
Africa Environment Day 2010




Wednesday, March 3rd 2010 was celebrated as the 8th Africa Environment Day (AED) in accord with the decision madein July, 2001 by the Africa Union (CM/Dec.685 (LXXVI)) that all member States commemorate March 3rd annually tocelebrate the diversity of issues at the nexus of human development and the environment1. The theme for this year’sreflection headquartered in Tanzania is “African Resilience to Climate Change: Biodiversity Conservation and EnhancingTraditional Knowledge.” In 2009, the theme was “Greening Africa” when Senegal hosted the events and focused onadvancing the Great Green Wall initiative that spans eleven countries across the Sahel-Sahara axis2. And in AddisAbaba in 2008, Dr. Stike Mkandla, the United Nations Environment Programme’s representative to the African Unionadmonished that “it is time to get our hands dirty in steps to deal with threats like climate change that face our continentand our communities.3”.
机译:根据非洲联盟于2001年7月做出的决定(CM / Dec.685(LXXVI)),2010年3月3日,星期三是第8个非洲环境日(AED),所有成员国每年纪念3月3日,以庆祝多样性与人类发展和环境息息相关的问题1。今年总部设在坦桑尼亚的反思活动的主题是“非洲对气候变化的抵抗力:生物多样性保护和传统知识的增长”。 2009年,塞内加尔主办了这些活动,主题是“非洲绿化”,重点是推进跨越萨赫勒-撒哈拉轴心的11个国家的“长城绿墙”倡议2。在2008年的亚的斯亚贝巴,联合国环境规划署非洲联盟代表Stike Mkandla博士告诫说:“现在是时候采取行动,应对应对我们大陆和我们社区面临的气候变化等威胁的时候了。3”。



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