首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Effect of mobile phone emitted radiation on the power frequency and amplitude of electroencephalographic (EEG) activity in rats

Effect of mobile phone emitted radiation on the power frequency and amplitude of electroencephalographic (EEG) activity in rats




The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of mobile phone (MP) (935.2 – 960 MHz, 0.35 mW/cm2) on the power frequency and amplitude of electrocorticographic ECoG recording. The brain cortex of anaesthetized rats were exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted from a mobile phone 2 h daily for one week and ECoG recording were carried out through trephine openings in the skull. The effect of EMFs on the brain activity was analyzed from activity patterns recorded from both brain cortex and skull: before exposure, immediately after exposure and after 7, 9, 11, 13 days from stopping exposure. The obtained results showed significant changes in the power frequency and amplitude of brain activity of rat exposed to the radiation emitted from MP and these changes attained their control values after approximately 11 days from stopping radiation exposure.
机译:本研究的目的是研究移动电话(MP)(935.2 – 960 MHz,0.35 mW / cm2)对皮层ECoG记录的功率频率和幅度的影响。麻醉的大鼠的大脑皮层每天两次暴露于手机发出的电磁场(EMF)中,持续一周,并通过颅骨中的石灰华开口进行ECoG记录。根据从大脑皮层和头骨记录的活动模式分析了电动势对大脑活动的影响:暴露前,暴露后立即以及停止暴露后7、9、11、13天。获得的结果表明,暴露于MP辐射的大鼠的脑部功率频率和幅度发生了显着变化,并且在停止辐射暴露约11天后,这些变化达到了其控制值。



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