首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Comparative evaluation of different embryo rescue techniques on parthenogenetic melon (Cucumis melo L.) fruits induced with irradiated pollen

Comparative evaluation of different embryo rescue techniques on parthenogenetic melon (Cucumis melo L.) fruits induced with irradiated pollen

机译:花粉辐照诱导孤雌甜瓜(Cucumis melo L.)不同胚胎抢救技术的比较评价



The methods of dihaploidization ensures important advantages in obtaining pure lines by rapid fixation?of homozygosity. "Irradiated pollen technique" was used in this study. Disease resistant F1 hybrid variety candidates were?utilized as the plant material. For the parthenogenetic induction, 300 Gray gamma irradiation were applied to the pollens and pollinations were conducted on the day after irradiation. Three different methods were used to extract seeds from the 3 to 4 weeks old fruits. The three methods: extracting the seeds one by one (M1), sowing the seeds in petri dishes (M2) and inspecting the seeds on the light box (M3) were compared.The pollination with the irradiated pollens resulted?up to 94% fruit set. From the 204 fruits harvested,?280 haploid, 44 diploid and 8 mixoploid embryos were obtained. Germination rate of haploid was 96%. When the M1, M2 and M3 were compared, the required time for opening a fruit was found to be 162, 125 and 49 min, respectively. The M3 method was identified as the most successful, economic and effective. The results are expected to lower the cost and increase the effeciency ofdihaploidization?use in melon?breeding.
机译:二倍体化的方法确保了通过快速固定纯合性获得纯品系的重要优势。本研究使用“辐照花粉技术”。抗病F1杂种候选物被用作植物材料。对于孤雌生殖的诱导,对花粉施加300Grayγ射线,并在照射后的第二天进行授粉。使用三种不同的方法从3到4周龄的果实中提取种子。比较了三种方法:分别提取种子(M1),在培养皿中播种(M2)和在灯箱上检查种子(M3),用辐照花粉进行授粉可得到高达94%的果实组。从收获的204个果实中,获得280个单倍体,44个二倍体和8个混合倍体胚。单倍体发芽率为96%。比较M1,M2和M3时,发现打开水果所需的时间分别为162、125和49分钟。 M3方法被认为是最成功,最经济和有效的方法。预期结果将降低成本,并提高在瓜类育种中使用二倍体的效率。



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