首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Irrigated sorghum and cowpea after wet-season rice as a pathway out of subsistence agriculture in the Senegal River Valley in Mauritania

Irrigated sorghum and cowpea after wet-season rice as a pathway out of subsistence agriculture in the Senegal River Valley in Mauritania




Livestock is more important to the Mauritanian economy (13% of National Gross Domestic Product) compared with just 4% from crop production. It is surprising, therefore, that irrigation has so far contributed little to animal productivity given the limited carrying capacity and irregular inter-annual production of the extensive rangeland, and the need to import fodder concentrates to sustain livestock during the hot-dry season (April to June). Our hypothesis is that growing irrigated sorghum and cowpea planted late in the mild-dry season (December-January after rice harvest (November-December) would improve profitability and sustainability of irrigation schemes. The objective is to replace fodder concentrates, currently purchased abroad, by fodder grown in irrigation schemes. To test our hypothesis we performed an extensive survey of 12 villages located within a significant gradient of rainfall from West to South-East along the northern bank of the Senegal River and used a simulation model constructed to study interactions between traditional and irrigated grain and/or fodder crop. The results of this study reveal how the introduction of irrigated sorghum and cowpea sown late in the mild-dry season would, even at relatively moderate yields (2.8-4.1 and 1.4-2.1 t grain ha-1, for sorghum and cowpea, respectively), provide additional grain required by smallholder farmers and reduce costs of livestock production (30%). In addition, the introduction of these crops increases by 31- to 54% the household net agricultural production of households having only small ruminants and by 14 to 23% of households having both small ruminants and cattle. Extending the irrigated cropping season shares the depreciation costs over more crops and improves the sustainability of the irrigation schemes. The regions that would most benefit from these additional irrigated crops are Trarza and Gorgol where the demand and hence prices of sorghum and cowpea grain and fodder are higher than in the other regions.
机译:畜牧业对毛里塔尼亚的经济更为重要(占国民生产总值的13%),而农作物产量仅为4%。因此,令人惊讶的是,由于广阔的牧场的有限的承载能力和不规则的年间生产,以及在炎热干燥季节需要进口饲料精矿来维持牲畜的生产,到目前为止,灌溉对动物生产力的贡献很小到六月)。我们的假设是,在温和干燥季节后期(水稻收获后的12月至1月)(11月至12月)种植越来越多的灌溉高粱和growing豆,将提高灌溉计划的盈利能力和可持续性。目标是替代目前在国外购买的饲料精矿,为了检验我们的假设,为了检验我们的假设,我们对塞内加尔河北岸西部至东南部降雨有明显梯度的12个村庄进行了广泛调查,并使用了模拟模型来研究之间的相互作用。这项研究的结果表明,即使在相对中等的产量(2.8-4.1吨和1.4-2.1吨公顷的谷物)下,在温和干燥季节后期播种的灌溉高粱和cow豆也将如何引入。 -1,分别代表高粱和cow豆),提供小农所需的额外谷物,并降低牲畜生产成本(30%)。此后,这些农作物的种植使反刍动物和小牛的家庭的农业净产值增加了31%至54%,反之亦然。延长灌溉季节会增加更多作物的折旧成本,并提高灌溉计划的可持续性。从这些额外的灌溉作物中受益最大的地区是Trarza和Gorgol,这些地区的高粱,grain豆谷物和饲料的需求以及价格都高于其他地区。



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