首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural and Food Science >Effect of Cirsium arvense L. on soil physical properties and crop growth

Effect of Cirsium arvense L. on soil physical properties and crop growth




The re-cultivation of abandoned areas creates weed control problems. The main problems in these areas are perennial weeds, such as Cirsium arvense L. but this perennial deep-rooted plant may have a beneficial effect on the physical properties of compacted soil. In order to study the effect of C. arvense?’s root system on soil properties, the field experiment and a survey of arable fields were conducted in Estonia. The soil bulk density and penetration resistance were measured from soils covered by C. arvense or spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) on compacted and un-compacted soil. The results showed significantly lower penetration resistance and bulk density underneath C. arvense than under barley in both the field experiment and a field survey on arable soils. The shoot mass of C. arvense was less affected than the shoot mass of barley by soil compaction and was caused by C. arvense?’s better ability to develop its root system in compacted soil. Wheat yield, on soils affected by C. arvense, was increased by 28% on loose soil and 37% on compacted soil. It may be concluded that in areas affected by deep-rooted weed species, such C. arvense, the soil?’s physical properties will improve at least in the first two years.;
机译:废弃地区的重新耕作带来了杂草控制问题。这些地区的主要问题是多年生杂草,如Cirsium arvense L.,但是这种多年生的深根植物可能对压实土壤的物理性质产生有益影响。为了研究C. arvense?的根系对土壤特性的影响,在爱沙尼亚进行了田间试验和耕地调查。在密实和未压实的土壤上,从被欧亚锥虫或春大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)覆盖的土壤中测量土壤容重和抗渗透性。结果表明,在田间试验和田间调查中,在大麦田下的抗穿透性和堆积密度均显着低于大麦。土壤致密性对大麦C的芽质量影响不如大麦芽大,其原因是大麦C在密实土壤中发展其根系的能力更强。在被抗性衣原体影响的土壤上,小麦产量在松散土壤上增加了28%,在压实土壤上增加了37%。可以得出结论,在受深层杂草影响的地区,例如欧文衣藻,土壤的物理特性至少在头两年会有所改善。



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