首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural and Food Science >Input saving possibilities and practices contributing to more efficient beef production in Sweden

Input saving possibilities and practices contributing to more efficient beef production in Sweden




This study estimated the possibilities of reducing costs and improving input use in a sample of Swedish farms specialising in beef production. Input use efficiency was measured in a multi-output, multi-input function distance function analysis, covering the period 2008-2011. For comparison, both the classical radial and the generalised non-parametric approach were used. The results revealed that on average, costs could be decreased by 20%. Both models constructed frontiers where: i) the rankings of farms according to efficiency were positively and highly correlated and ii) the size and the significance of the parameter estimates were similar. Input-saving technologies were found to be positively influenced by livestock density, pasture availability and the use of coupled income support. Larger farms, farms with higher specialisation in beef cattle, farms with a larger number of animals older than 2 years, farms converting to organic production, farms located in less favoured areas and farms located in regions with a shorter grazing period were found be less efficient.



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