首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Influences of inter and intra row spacing on yield, yield component and morphological characteristics of onion (Allium cepa L.) at Western Amhara region

Influences of inter and intra row spacing on yield, yield component and morphological characteristics of onion (Allium cepa L.) at Western Amhara region




Appropriate spacing enables the farmers to keep appropriate plant population in the field. Hence, it can avoid over or less population in a given plot of land which has negative effect on yield and quality of onion. Spacing of 40 × 20 × 10 cm between furrow, row and plants, respectively has been used for onion production in Ethiopia. But producers complain 10 cm intra row spacing produces large bulb size which is not preferred by consumer for home consumption. To optimize onion productivity, full package of information is required. To fill this gap field experiment was conducted to study the effect of inter and intra row spacing on the bulb yield and yield components of onion at Ribb in Fogera, Woramit in Bahir Dar and Koga in Mecha districts in 2014. The interaction of the lowest inter and intra row spacing mature earlier by 15 days compared to highest inter and intra row spacing. Forty nine percent of medium sized bulbs were produced with the interaction of 15 and 6 cm inter and intra row spacing while only 32% of medium sized bulbs were produced by the interaction of 25 and 8 cm inter and intra row spacing. Small sized bulb distribution decreased as intra row spacing increased while large bulb sized distribution increased when intra row spacing increased. The highest bulb weight (102 g) was produced by the interaction of highest inter and intra row spacing while the lowest bulb weight (45 g) was produced by the lowest inter and intra row spacing. Interaction of inter and intra row spacing of 15 and 4 cm respectively, scored the 1st highest marketable bulb yield (39 ton ha-1) and interaction of 15 and 6 cm inter and intra row spacing scored the 2st highest marketable bulb yield (36 ton ha-1). The result revealed that the earlier recommendation (20 and 10 cm inter and intra row spacing) produced more number of medium and large sized bulbs with a yield penalty of 8.0 and 10 ton per ha-1 compared to interaction of inter row spacing of 15 cm with intra row spacing of 6 and 4 cm, respectively. Therefore, the interaction of inter and intra row spacing of 15 with 6 cm is recommended as a first option for producers who wishes to produce maximum bulb yield with maximum medium sized bulbs. It is also confirmed that earlier recommendation is better as a second option for producers who wishes to produce for export market which requires medium and large sized bulbs of onion.
机译:适当的间距可使农民在田间保持适当的植物种群。因此,它可以避免给定土地上过多或更少的人口,这会对洋葱的产量和质量产生负面影响。埃塞俄比亚的犁沟,行和植物之间的间距分别为40×20×10 cm。但是生产商抱怨说1​​0厘米的行内间距会产生较大的灯泡尺寸,这对于家庭消费而言,消费者并不喜欢。为了优化洋葱的生产率,需要完整的信息包。为填补这一空白,2014年进行了实验,研究行间和行内间距对鳞茎产量和洋葱产量的影响,该品种分别来自Fogera的Ribb,Bahir Dar的Woramit和Mecha地区的Koga。与最高的行间间距和行内间距相比,行间距和行内间距提前15天成熟。中间间距为15和6厘米的行产生了49%的中型鳞茎,行间距和内部为25和8厘米的相互作用仅产生了32%的中型球。当行内间距增加时,小尺寸灯泡分布减小,而当行内间距增加时,大尺寸灯泡分布增加。通过最大的行间和行内间距的相互作用产生最高的灯泡重量(102 g),而通过最小的行间和行内间距产生最低的灯泡重量(45 g)。行间和行内间距的交互作用分别为15厘米和4厘米,是可销售鳞茎产量最高的第一(39吨公顷-1),行间和行内和间距15厘米和6厘米之间的交互作用则是第二种适销灯泡的最高产量(36吨ha-1)。 ha-1)。结果表明,较早的建议(行间和行间间距为20和10 cm)生产了更多数量的中型和大型鳞茎,而行间间距为15 cm时,产量损失为8.0和10吨/ ha-1。行内间距分别为6厘米和4厘米。因此,对于希望使用最大的中型灯泡产生最大产量的生产者,建议将行间间距和内部间距15 cm与6 cm交互作用作为首选。还可以肯定的是,对于希望为需要中型和大型洋葱鳞茎的出口市场生产的生产商而言,较早的建议是更好的选择。



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