首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Smallholder farmers perceptions of maize diseases, pests, and other production constraints, their implications for maize breeding and evaluation of local maize cultivars in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Smallholder farmers perceptions of maize diseases, pests, and other production constraints, their implications for maize breeding and evaluation of local maize cultivars in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa




Diseases and pests are among the major constraints limiting maize productivity in the smallholder (SH) farming sector of sub-Saharan Africa. The objectives of this study were therefore, to determine how SH farmers perceive and cope with diseases and pests, identify with farmersother constraints to maize production. Data were collected from three villages of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province in South Africa using surveys and participatory rural appraisal (PRA) methodology.?Local maize varieties were further evaluated for disease resistance and grain yield potential at two locations in KZN.?Cob rots, grey leaf spot (GLS), maize streak virus (MSV), northern leaf blight (NLB), phaeosphaeria leaf spot (PLS) and common rust were the main diseases identified by farmers, but their incidence was low and occurrence infrequent. More than 75% of the farmers did not control both insect pests and diseases, while the rest used chemicals or everyday household remedies for control. Stalk borers and cutworms were the most prevalent insect pests, where as drought, excessive rains, hail storms, and soil fertility were the most important abiotic constraints identified. Field trial results of local varieties indicated high yield potential and genetic variability for disease resistance to PLS, GLS, and NLB. These findings suggest that; if the main production constraints are addressed, farmers could realize high yields from their local varieties. Breeding opportunities, therefore, exist for incorporating resistance or tolerance to these stresses into the local varieties.
机译:病虫害是限制撒哈拉以南非洲小农农业部门玉米生产力的主要制约因素之一。因此,本研究的目的是确定SH农民如何感知和应对病虫害,并与农民一起确定玉米生产的其他限制因素。使用调查和参与式农村评估(PRA)方法,从南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省(KZN)三个村庄收集了数据。-在KZN的两个地方进一步评估了当地玉米品种的抗病性和籽粒产量潜力。腐烂病,灰叶斑病(GLS),玉米条纹病毒(MSV),北部叶枯病(NLB),白粉病叶斑病(PLS)和常见锈病是农民发现的主要疾病,但其发病率较低且很少发生。超过75%的农民既没有控制病虫害也没有控制疾病,而其余的农民则使用化学药品或日常家庭疗法进行控制。 bore虫和地老虎是最普遍的害虫,干旱,过度降雨,冰雹和土壤肥力是最重要的非生物限制因素。本地品种的田​​间试验结果表明,其对PLS,GLS和NLB的抗病性具有高产潜力和遗传变异性。这些发现表明:如果解决了主要的生产限制,农民可以从当地品种中获得高产。因此,存在将这些胁迫的抗性或耐受性纳入当地品种的育种机会。



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