首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Soil fertility status of seasonally closed wetland ecosystem (ondombe) in north-central Namibia

Soil fertility status of seasonally closed wetland ecosystem (ondombe) in north-central Namibia




In the Cuvelai Seasonal Wetland System (CSWS) of North-central Namibia, there are widespread manifestations of seasonally flooded river and seasonally closed wetland ecosystems (ponds). These wetlands are called oshana (seasonally flooded river wetland) and ondombe (seasonally closed wetland) according to the local language. This study was initiated to find out the soil fertility status of ondombes and whether they could be utilized for agricultural purposes unlike the present situation. Soil salinity and sodicity were determined to find out impact of such adverse conditions on possibility of food production. A total of 70 representative ondombes were identified from three selected villages. A total of 210 soil samples were collected from upper, middle and lower positions adjacent to ondombes, and 15 soil samples from each 5 upland fields in the three villages and 102 soil samples from different spots of the flood plain in the three oshanas for comparison. The results indicated that the mean soil pH (H2O) in ondombe was 6.3, the means of organic C and total N were 6.28 and 0.41 g kg-1; respectively, the mean of available P was 4.81 mg P kg-1. The means of exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, and Na in ondombe were 2.31, 1.44, 0.21, and 0.61 cmolc kg-1, respectively. Most soil nutrients were higher in lower ondombe positions than on upper and middle positions. Organic C, exchangeable Mg, and clay at the ondombe soils were significantly higher than those at the croplands. The means of electrical conductivity of saturation extract (ECe) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) in ondombe soils were 0.62 ds m-1 and 7.32, respectively; even though most of the ondombe soils did not exhibit salinity and sodicity problems. Hence, one can conclude that an ondombe soil has an appropriate condition for agriculture, and may only be prone to sodicity whenever the sodium content is high, as sometimes observed.
机译:在纳米比亚中北部的库韦莱季节性湿地系统(CSWS)中,季节性河流泛滥和季节性湿地生态系统(池塘)普遍存在。根据当地语言,这些湿地被称为oshana(季节性淹没的河湿地)和ondombe(季节性封闭的湿地)。开展这项研究的目的是为了了解无定形菌的土壤肥力状况,以及它们是否可以不同于当前状况用于农业目的。确定土壤盐度和碱度以找出这种不利条件对粮食生产可能性的影响。从三个选定的村庄中总共鉴定出70个代表性的球菌。为了比较,从与金鸡菊相邻的上部,中部和下部位置总共采集了210个土壤样品,并从三个村庄的每5个高地田地中分别采集了15个土壤样品和来自三个奥沙那斯洪泛区不同地点的102个土壤样品进行比较。结果表明,土壤的平均pH值为6.3,有机碳和总氮的平均值为6.28和0.41 g kg-1;有效磷的平均值分别为4.81 mg P kg-1。 Ca,Mg,K和Na的可交换性均值分别为2.31、1.44、0.21和0.61 cmolc kg-1。下部土壤位置上的大多数土壤养分高于上部和中部位置。土壤上的有机碳,可交换的镁和黏土明显高于农田。在土壤中饱和浸出物的电导率(ECe)和钠吸附率(SAR)分别为0.62 ds m-1和7.32。即使大多数ondombe土壤都没有盐度和碱度问题。因此,可以得出结论,ondombe土壤具有适当的农业条件,并且有时仅在钠含量高时才倾向于碱化。



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