首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Impact of climate change on grasses cultivation potential of three altitudinal strata-agricultural lands of Mexico

Impact of climate change on grasses cultivation potential of three altitudinal strata-agricultural lands of Mexico




This study estimated the impact of climate change in the period 2040-2069 on six grasses potential areas in three altitudinal zones of México: 0 to1200 m (lowlands), 1200 to 2200 m (midlands) and >2200 m (highlands). Topography, soil and climate variables were used to depict potential areas. Climate data for? 1961-1990 (reference climatology) and 2040-2069 were obtained from the WorldClim Earth System Grid Portal and were worked in 2.5 arc minutes raster images in the Idrisi Selva System. For the 2040-2069 climatology, three GCMs were considered: MPIM-ECHAM5, MIROC3.2 (medres) and UKMO_HADCM3, under A2 emissions scenario. The results showed that most of the potential areas with optimal conditions for grasses will remain in lowlands, however the surface with these conditions will tend to decrease for Cenchrus ciliaris, Andropogon gayanus and Brachiaria mutica at a rate of 35-49%, 2-63% and 15-30%, respectively, which will affect mostly to C. ciliaris, since it will tend to migrate to midlands. Optimal conditions surface for C. gayana and C. dactylon will not change in lowlands, but will increase in midlands 63-103% and 74-90%, respectively. For H. rufa, the optimum conditions surface will rise 5-17% in lowlands and 391-449% in midlands. In highlands, potential areas for grasses were estimated majorly as suboptimal, however with climate change C. ciliaris, C. gayana and C. dactylon will increase their optimal conditions surface in highlands. For A. gayanus, B. mutica and H. rufa no optimal conditions surface was determined in highlands neither in the reference climatology nor in the future climatologies.
机译:这项研究估计了2040-2069年期间气候变化对墨西哥三个海拔区域的六个草潜在地区的影响:0-1200 m(低地),1200-2200 m(中地)和> 2200 m(高地)。地形,土壤和气候变量用于描述潜在区域。气候数据? 1961-1990年(参考气候学)和2040-2069年从WorldClim地球系统网格门户网站获得,并在Idrisi Selva系统中以2.5弧分的栅格图像进行了处理。对于2040-2069年的气候,在A2排放情景下,考虑了三个GCM:MPIM-ECHAM5,MIROC3.2(中等)和UKMO_HADCM3。结果表明,大多数具有最佳草条件的潜在地区将保留在低地,但是这些条件的地表下纤毛虫,Andropogon gayanus和Brachiaria mutica的面积将以35-49%,2-63的比例减少。 %和15-30%,这将主要影响纤毛衣藻,因为它将倾向于迁移至中部地区。加纳扁豆和羊角线虫的最佳条件在低地不会发生变化,但在中部地区会分别增加63-103%和74-90%。对于H. rufa,低地的最佳条件表面将上升5-17%,中部土地的最佳条件表面将上升391-449%。在高地,估计潜在的草皮面积次优,但是随着气候变化,C。ciliaris,C。gayana和C. dactylon将增加其在高地的最佳条件。对于高加耶农杆菌,变形杆菌和黑麦H. rufa,无论是参考气候还是未来气候,都没有在高地确定最佳条件表面。



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