首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Impact of pesticides use on heavy metals pollution in cocoa soils of Cross-River State, Nigeria

Impact of pesticides use on heavy metals pollution in cocoa soils of Cross-River State, Nigeria




The high incidence of phytophthora pod rot and mirids resulting from high rainfall and relative humidity in cocoa producing areas of Nigeria necessitated the use of fungicides and other pesticides on cocoa. This is causing increased worldwide concern about heavy metal contamination of the soil environment and cocoa beans. Thus the objective of this study is to evaluate the status of some heavy metals in selected cocoa farms in Ikom, Etung and Boki local government areas of Cross River State - the highest cocoa producing state in eastern Nigeria, where farmers use a lot of pesticides to combat pests and diseases. The results indicated that the soil contents of the heavy metals were in the order (Cr > Pb > Co > Ni > Se > Cd > As) in the selected farms evaluated in the three local government areas. The values ranged between 0.88 and 1.33 mg/kg for chromium and between 0.59 and 0.86 mg/kg for lead. The soil contents of the heavy metals in the adjacent forest were similar to that obtained in the cocoa farms. The values of chromium ranged between 1.01 and 1.02 mg/kg soil while that of lead ranged between 0.5 and 0.74 mg/kg soil in adjacent forest. This suggests that heavy metal contents of the soils in the cocoa farms evaluated were not primarily due to chemicals being sprayed but probably naturally occurring. Their concentrations were also below the optimum limit allowed in the soil.
机译:在尼日利亚可可生产地区,高降雨和相对湿度造成的疫霉和腐烂病高发,因此在可可上必须使用杀菌剂和其他农药。这引起了全世界对土壤环境和可可豆中重金属污染的担忧。因此,本研究的目的是评估克罗斯河州(Ikom,Etung和Boki)的部分可可农场中重金属的状况-Cross River州是尼日利亚东部可可生产量最高的州,那里的农民使用大量农药防治病虫害。结果表明,在三个地方政府区域评估的选定农场中,重金属的土壤含量顺序为(Cr> Pb> Co> Ni> Se> Cd> As)。铬的含量范围为0.88至1.33 mg / kg,铅的含量范围为0.59至0.86 mg / kg。邻近森林中重金属的土壤含量与可可农场获得的土壤相似。邻近森林中铬的含量在1.01至1.02 mg / kg土壤之间,而铅的含量在0.5至0.74 mg / kg土壤之间。这表明所评估的可可农场土壤中的重金属含量主要不是由于喷洒了化学药品,而是自然产生的。它们的浓度也低于土壤中允许的最佳极限。



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