首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Astronomy >Dwarf Galaxies in Voids: Dark Matter Halos and Gas Cooling

Dwarf Galaxies in Voids: Dark Matter Halos and Gas Cooling




Galaxy surveys have shown that luminous galaxies are mainly distributed in large filaments and galaxy clusters. The remaining large volumes are virtually devoid of luminous galaxies. This is in concordance with the formation of the large-scale structure in the universe as derived from cosmological simulations. However, the numerical results indicate that cosmological voids are abundantly populated with dark matter haloes which may in principle host dwarf galaxies. Observational efforts have in contrast revealed that voids are apparently devoid of dwarf galaxies. We investigate the formation of dwarf galaxies in voids by hydrodynamical cosmological simulations. Due to the cosmic ultraviolet background radiation low-mass haloes show generally a reduced baryon fraction. We determine the characteristic mass below which dwarf galaxies are baryon deficient. We show that the circular velocity below which the accretion of baryons is suppressed is approximately 40 kms−1. The suppressed baryon accretion is caused by the photo-heating due to the UV background. We set up a spherical halo model and show that the effective equation of the state of the gas in the periphery of dwarf galaxies determines the characteristic mass. This implies that any process which heats the gas around dwarf galaxies increases the characteristic mass and thus reduces the number of observable dwarf galaxies.
机译:银河系调查显示,发光星系主要分布在大的细丝和星系团中。剩余的大体积几乎没有发光的星系。这与从宇宙学模拟得出的宇宙中大规模结构的形成是一致的。但是,数值结果表明宇宙空间中充斥着暗物质光环,这些光环原则上可以容纳矮星系。相反,观察工作表明,空洞显然没有矮星系。我们通过流体动力学宇宙学研究调查了空隙中的矮星系的形成。由于宇宙紫外线本底辐射,低质量晕环通常显示出降低的重子分数。我们确定特征星团以下的矮星系不足的特征质量。我们表明,在其以下被抑制重子积聚的圆周速度约为40 kms-1。重子的积聚受到抑制是由于UV背景引起的光热引起的。我们建立了一个球形光晕模型,并表明矮星系外围气体状态的有效方程式决定了特征质量。这意味着加热矮星系周围气体的任何过程都会增加特征质量,从而减少可观测到的矮星系的数量。



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