首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Efficiency of pre-inoculation of soybeans with Bradyrhizobium up to 60 days before sowing

Efficiency of pre-inoculation of soybeans with Bradyrhizobium up to 60 days before sowing




The inoculation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soybean crops allows the achievement of high crop yield by reducing or eliminating the application of nitrogen fertilizers. Pre-inoculation of seeds can reduce costs and increase the efficacy of this agricultural practice. The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of pre-inoculation of soybean seeds with a commercial inoculant of Bradyrhizobium (RIZOLIQ LLI? manufactured by Rizobacter do Brasil) at 60, 45, and 30 days before sowing using a cell protector and different chemical treatments. The study was conducted in four municipalities in the state of Paraná (Londrina, Pato Branco, Ponta Grossa, and Santa Tereza do Oeste) and included 14 treatments, a negative control, standard inoculation of the recommended bacterial strains on the day of sowing, and pre-inoculation at 30, 45, and 60 days before sowing using the commercial inoculant RIZOLIQ LLI? together with the cell protector and chemical treatment of seeds with Imidacloprid (Rocks?), Fipronil+Thiophanate-methyl+Pyraclostrobin+ (Standack?Top), Metalaxyl-M+Fludioxonil (Maxim?XL), and Metalaxyl-M+Fludioxonil+Thiabendazole with Thiamethoxam (Maxim?Advanced+Cruiser?). The nodulation, plant biomass, nitrogen concentration in shoot and grain, and grain yield were evaluated. The cell protector was efficient in maintaining the bacterial inoculant viable in the seed for up to 60 days. All treatments of pre-inoculation of soybean chemically-treated seeds up to 60 days before sowing could be performed without impairment of nodulation, plant biomass, nitrogen concentration in shoot and grain, and grain yield. Therefore, pre-inoculation of soybean seeds up to 60 days before sowing is an efficient and practical inoculation strategy for sowing soybean crops.
机译:大豆作物中固氮细菌的接种通过减少或消除氮肥的施用而实现了高产量。预先接种种子可以降低成本并提高这种农业实践的效力。这项研究的目的是评估在播种前60、45和30天,使用细胞保护剂和其他化学试剂对商业接种的缓生根瘤菌(Rizobacter do Brasil制造的RIZOLIQ LLI?)预接种大豆种子的功效。治疗。该研究在巴拉那州的四个城市(Londrina,Pato Branco,Ponta Grossa和Santa Tereza do Oeste)进行,包括14种治疗方法,阴性对照,播种当天推荐的标准细菌菌株接种以及使用商业接种剂RIZOLIQ LLI在播种前30、45和60天进行预接种连同吡虫啉(Rocks?),Fipronil +硫氰酸甲酯-甲基+吡咯菌酯+(Standack?Top),甲霜灵-M +氟地松(Maxim®XL)和甲霜灵-M +氟地辛+噻菌灵一起使用的细胞保护剂和种子化学处理噻虫嗪(Maxim?Advanced + Cruiser?)。评价了结瘤,植物生物量,芽和谷粒中的氮浓度以及谷粒产量。细胞保护剂可有效维持细菌接种剂在种子中存活长达60天。可以在播种前60天进行大豆化学处理种子的预接种的所有处理,而不会损害结瘤,植物生物量,芽和谷粒中的氮浓度以及籽粒产量。因此,在播种前60天预接种大豆种子是播种大豆作物的有效且实用的接种策略。



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