首页> 外文期刊>Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy >Tolerance to drought in rice cultivars in Southern Cerrado area from Tocantins State, Brazil

Tolerance to drought in rice cultivars in Southern Cerrado area from Tocantins State, Brazil




The rice is large-scale cultivated in a wide range of edaphic and climatic conditions, compounding an alternative source for the increase in food production worldwide. The present study assessed the traits related to productivity, in rice genotypes under conditions of irrigation and water stress, in Gurupi municipality, Southern region from Tocantins state. We evaluated agronomic attributes (number of tillers and panicles, number of grains per panicle and productivity), besides the index of drought sensitivity. The selection of superior genotypes and traits that may serve for the differentiation among the genotypes in this stress condition is essential to create more tolerant materials. Among the most productive genotypes, we highlight the 'Quebra Cacho' that besides presenting relatively high productivities for both culture conditions, also presented a low index of drought sensitivity, ratifying itself as one of the most productive ones and adapted to this culture condition. The number of tillers by square meter did not present differences among the genotypes in both environmental conditions, but in some cases, there was a decrease under the condition of water stress. The number of grains per panicle evidenced great variation between the environments, with a decrease under the stress condition.
机译:水稻是在广泛的土壤和气候条件下大规模种植的,为世界范围内粮食产量的增加提供了替代来源。本研究评估了Tocantins州南部地区Gurupi市在灌溉和水分胁迫条件下水稻基因型中与生产力相关的性状。除干旱敏感性指数外,我们还评估了农艺属性(分till和穗数,每穗粒数和生产力)。在这种胁迫条件下,可以用于区分不同基因型的优良基因型和性状的选择对于产生更宽容的材料至关重要。在最有生产力的基因型中,我们着重指出“ Quebra Cacho”,除了在两种养殖条件下均表现出较高的生产力外,其干旱敏感性指数也较低,因而被证明是最有生产力的基因型之一,并适应了这种养殖条件。在两种环境条件下,每平方米的分till数在基因型上没有差异,但在某些情况下,在水分胁迫条件下有所减少。每穗的谷粒数量表明环境之间的差异很大,在胁迫条件下减少。



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