首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development >Two-Phase Liquid Production Allocation in Multilayer Producing Wells Using Temperature Measurements

Two-Phase Liquid Production Allocation in Multilayer Producing Wells Using Temperature Measurements




This work presents a methodology of allocating oil rate and associated water cut to each individual layer using temperature measurements and total surface production of oil and water. This paper consists of two parts. In part one; an analytical forward model is proposed for wellbore temperature response under two-phase production in a multilayer geometry, using a nodal representation of the well. This model accounts for the formation geothermal gradient, steady-state oil-water flow in the wellbore, friction loss and Joule-Thomson effect in the wellbore, contrast in the thermal and physical properties of oil and water, wellbore heat losses due to unsteady heat conduction in the earth, and the mixing of the fluid streams of contrasting temperature. The second part shows the application of the above solution by applying inversion techniques on temperature data coupled with forward model to allocate water and oil influx from producing layers. The inversion result is verified using a variety of commingled flow problems including a field case of a deviated well producing an oil-water mixture from two active completions. Inversion results seem to be robust within +/-15% provided the temperature contrast between the commingled layers is at least one order of magnitude greater than the resolution of the temperature measurements (e.g., 4°C contrast for 0.1°C resolution)
机译:这项工作提出了一种使用温度测量值和油和水的总表层产量将油分和相关含水率分配给每个单独层的方法。本文由两部分组成。在第一部分中;针对油井的节点表示,提出了一种多层油藏两相生产中井筒温度响应的解析正向模型。该模型解释了地层的地热梯度,井筒中的稳态油水流量,井筒中的摩擦损失和焦耳-汤姆森效应,油和水的热和物理性质的对比,由于不稳定的热量导致的井筒热损失在地球中的传导,以及温度相反的流体流的混合。第二部分通过对温度数据应用反演技术并结合正向模型来分配来自生产层的水和油涌入,展示了上述解决方案的应用。使用多种混合流动问题验证了反演结果,包括从两个有效完井中生产油水混合物的偏井的现场案例。如果混合层之间的温度对比至少比温度测量的分辨率大一个数量级(例如,对于0.1°C的分辨率为4°C的对比度),则反转结果似乎在+/- 15%的范围内是可靠的



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