首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development >Effect of Water Salinity on Shale Reservoir Productivity

Effect of Water Salinity on Shale Reservoir Productivity




It is well known that rocks containing water-reactive clays may swell when contacting with fresh water. In a conventional formation, this swelling may cause wellbore stability problem or damage formation by reducing its permeability. However, the effect of water salinity on shale rocks may be different. This issue is investigated in this paper. Shale rocks were immersed in water of different salinities. Shale rocks used were Mancos, Marcellus, Barnett and Eagle Ford. Different concentrations of NaCl and KCl salt solutions from 0% to 30% by weight were added in the water. It was observed that Mancos core plugs were crushed into loose grains (fragmented) at low salinity solutions up to 15%. Barnett core plugs showed consecutive cracks along bedding planes at low salinities. Minor cracks were seen on Marcellus, while no cracks at all were found in Eagle Ford core plugs at low salinities. When the shale plugs were saturated with oil, 2-15% oil was recovered by water spontaneous imbibition, depending on water salinity and rock mineralogy. Similar observations were made when shale core plugs were applied to an overburden pressure. The results from this paper help us to understand the drive mechanisms in shale oil and shale gas reservoirs. It also stimulates us to explore new ways to improve oil and gas recovery in shale reservoirs.
机译:众所周知,当与淡水接触时,含有水反应性粘土的岩石可能会膨胀。在常规地层中,这种膨胀可能会导致井眼稳定性问题或通过降低其渗透率而损坏地层。但是,水盐度对页岩的影响可能不同。本文对此问题进行了调查。页岩被浸入不同盐度的水中。使用的页岩是Mancos,Marcellus,Barnett和Eagle Ford。将0重量%至30重量%的不同浓度的NaCl和KCl盐溶液添加到水中。据观察,Mancos芯塞在低盐度溶液(高达15%)中被压碎成松散的颗粒(有碎片)。巴尼特岩心塞在低盐度条件下沿层理平面显示出连续裂缝。在低盐度下,在Marcellus上观察到较小的裂纹,而在Eagle Ford岩心塞中根本没有发现裂纹。当页岩塞被油饱和时,取决于水的盐度和岩石矿物学,通过水的自吸吸收回收了2-15%的油。当页岩岩心塞施加上覆压力时,也得到了类似的观察结果。本文的结果有助于我们了解页岩油和页岩气藏的驱动机制。这也激发我们探索提高页岩储层油气采收率的新方法。



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