首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Applied Agricultural Sciences >Effect of pollen source and area distribution on yield and fruit quality of’ Khalas’ date palm (Phoenix dactylifera, L.) under Saudi Arabia conditions

Effect of pollen source and area distribution on yield and fruit quality of’ Khalas’ date palm (Phoenix dactylifera, L.) under Saudi Arabia conditions

机译:花粉来源和面积分布对沙特阿拉伯条件下“ Khalas”枣椰(Phoenix dactylifera,L。)的产量和果实品质的影响



Khalas' date palm trees are known in the production of the main date varieties grown in Saudi Arabia. The influence of pollens (introduced from these two locations) on yield and fruit quality of “Khalas” dates was estimated in the experiment conducted from 2012 to 2013. Twelve ‘Khalas’ female trees were grown and selected in two locations (L1; the Agricultural Experimental and Research Station-Deyrab, Faculty of Food and Agricultural Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh and L2; a private orchard, Al-Ahsaa district -West Riyadh). Results indicated that pollen source significantly affected the fruit set percentage as maximum fruit set (57.57%) was observed from trees pollinated with M1 (Rayidh male). Bunch weight, fruit weight, flesh weight and fruit volume were significantly improved with pollens from M1 palm trees compared to the other male tree (M2). Bunches pollenated from M1 recorded the highest values in most physical characters. There were non-significant effects between the two locations of female tree in fruit set, yield component and fruit quality. Interaction effect (M1 × L2) recorded the highest fruit set; bunch weight and most physical and chemical characters in both seasons. Moreover, bunches were pollinated by M1 either in L1 or L2 earlier ripening 22 - 24 days than other bunches pollinated with M2. This study recommends that the best pollen source (Male tree) should be selected from different locations in order to get the most desired fruit quality characteristics in Khalas date palm.



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