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Optical Sensing of pH and O2 in the Evaluation of Bioactive Self-Healing Cement




Leakage from cementitious structures with a retaining function can have devastating environmental consequences. Leaks can originate from cracks within the hardened cementitious material that is supposed to seal the structure off from the surrounding environment. Bioactive self-healing concretes containing bacteria capable of microbially inducing CaCO3 precipitation have been suggested to mitigate the healing of such cracks before leaking occurs. An important parameter determining the biocompatibility of concretes and cements is the pH environment. Therefore, a novel ratiometric pH optode imaging system based on an inexpensive single-lens reflex (SLR) camera was used to characterize the pH of porewater within cracks of submerged hydrated oil and gas well cement. This enabled the imaging of pH with a spatial distribution in high resolution (50 μm per pixel) and a gradient of 1.4 pH units per 1 mm. The effect of fly ash substitution and hydration time on the pH of the cement surface was evaluated by this approach. The results show that pH is significantly reduced from pH >11 to below 10 with increasing fly ash content as well as hydration time. The assessment of bioactivity in the cement was evaluated by introducing superabsorbent polymers with encapsulated Bacillus alkalinitrilicus endospores into the cracks. The bacterial activity was measured using oxygen optodes, which showed the highest bacterial activity with increasing amounts of fly ash substitution in the cement, correlating with the decrease in the pH. Overall, our results demonstrate that the pH of well cements can be reliably measured and modified to sustain the microbial activity.
机译:具有保持功能的胶结结构的泄漏会造成破坏性的环境后果。泄漏可能源自硬化水泥材料内部的裂缝,该裂缝被认为可以将结构与周围环境隔绝。已经提出了含有能微生物诱导CaCO3沉淀的细菌的生物活性自修复混凝土,以在泄漏发生之前减轻此类裂缝的愈合。决定混凝土和水泥生物相容性的重要参数是pH环境。因此,基于廉价的单镜反光(SLR)相机的新型比例式pH光电成像系统用于表征淹没的水合油气井水泥裂缝中孔隙水的pH。这使得能够以高分辨率(每像素50μm)和每1 mm 1.4个pH单位的梯度进行空间分布的pH成像。用这种方法评估了粉煤灰替代和水合时间对水泥表面pH值的影响。结果表明,随着粉煤灰含量的增加以及水合时间的增加,pH值从> 11显着降低至10以下。水泥中生物活性的评估是通过将高吸收性聚合物和包封的碱性芽孢杆菌内生孢子引入裂缝中来进行的。使用氧光电二极管测量细菌活性,随着水泥中粉煤灰替代量的增加,其显示出最高的细菌活性,这与pH值降低相关。总体而言,我们的结果表明,可以可靠地测量和修改井水泥的pH值,以维持微生物活性。



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