首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Anthropology >U.S. Restitution of the Iraq Secret Police Files from Saddam Hussein’s Regime Regarding the Kurds in Iraq

U.S. Restitution of the Iraq Secret Police Files from Saddam Hussein’s Regime Regarding the Kurds in Iraq




More than twenty years after Kurdish forces captured mass quantities of Iraqi secret police files chronicling the Anfal genocide and other events in their March 1991 uprising, a digital copy of these documents has been repatriated to Iraqi Kurdistan. Following the military transport of the documents to the U.S. and their scanning by the Defense Intelligence Agency, both a copy of these digital documents and the original files were acquired by the Archives at the University of Colorado-Boulder (CU-Boulder) in 1997. The files were thereafter made available to researchers and investigators from around the world searching for evidence to bring Saddam Hussein and his senior leadership to justice for grave violations of international humanitarian law. In 2012, Prof. Ferdinand Hennerbichler, an Austrian historian and former diplomat, and Prof. Bruce P Montgomery, director of the CU-Boulder Archives, commenced nearly two years of negotiations with the aim of restoring this archive of atrocity to the Iraqi Kurdish people. On September 30, 2014, in a formal high-level ceremony at CU-Boulder, a copy of the digital Iraqi secret police files was handed over to a visiting Kurdish delegation representing the Zheen Archive Center in Sulaimaniyah, which assumed custody of the files, and the regional government in Iraqi Kurdistan. The repatriated archive will be used to further reconciliation and democratization of the Kurdistan region and Iraq as a whole.
机译:库尔德部队在1991年3月的起义中捕获了大量伊拉克秘密警察档案,记录了Anfal种族灭绝和其他事件,已有20多年了,这些文件的数字副本已被送回伊拉克库尔德斯坦。在将文件军事运输到美国并由国防情报局进行扫描之后,这些数字文件的副本和原始文件均于1997年被科罗拉多州博尔德大学(CU-Boulder)的档案馆获得。此后,这些档案被提供给来自世界各地的研究人员和调查人员,以寻找证据将萨达姆·侯赛因及其高级领导人绳之以法,以应对严重违反国际人道主义法的行为。 2012年,奥地利历史学家,前外交官Ferdinand Hennerbichler教授和CU-Boulder档案馆所长Bruce P Montgomery教授开始了将近两年的谈判,目的是恢复伊拉克库尔德人的暴行档案。 。 2014年9月30日,在CU-Boulder举行的正式高级别仪式上,伊拉克数字秘密警察档案的副本被移交给了代表苏莱曼尼亚Zheen档案中心的库尔德代表团,由该代表团保管,和伊拉克库尔德斯坦的地方政府。归还的档案将用于进一步促进库尔德地区和整个伊拉克的和解与民主化。



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