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A hybrid optimization approach to forecast automobile sales of China:




In this article, a novel Hybrid method based on particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization (HPA) is proposed to forecast automobile sales of China. Proposed hybrid model integrating particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization for estimation of Chinese automobile sales (HPAE) is the first model using aforementioned meta-heuristic techniques. HPA is developed for automobile sales forecasting using highway mileage, gross domestic product, automobile ownership, and consumer price index. HPAE is developed in two forms including both Linear (HPAEL) and Quadratic (HPAEQ). Then, in order to show the accuracy of the algorithm, a comparison is made with ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimization. The results show that mean absolute errors of the HPAE model are the best among them, and better-fit solutions are provided by quadratic form (HPAEQ) due to fluctuations of the influential indicators in China.
机译:本文提出了一种基于粒子群优化和蚁群优化(HPA)的混合动力方法来预测中国的汽车销量。提出的结合粒子群优化和蚁群优化的混合模型用于估计中国汽车销量(HPAE),这是使用上述元启发式技术的第一个模型。 HPA是为使用公路里程,国内生产总值,汽车拥有量和消费者价格指数进行汽车销售预测而开发的。 HPAE以两种形式开发,包括线性(HPAEL)和二次(HPAEQ)。然后,为了显示算法的准确性,将其与蚁群优化和粒子群优化进行了比较。结果表明,HPAE模型的平均绝对误差是其中最好的,并且由于中国影响力指标的波动,采用二次形式(HPAEQ)提供了更好的解决方案。



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