首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Life Science and Technology >Seed Yield and Its Related Traits Performance of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties in Dawro Zone, Southwest Ethiopia

Seed Yield and Its Related Traits Performance of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties in Dawro Zone, Southwest Ethiopia

机译:埃塞俄比亚西南部达沃地区普通豆品种(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)的种子产量及相关性状表现



Poor addressing of all potential areas and slow turnover of old cultivars for more than 15-30 years are serious bottlenecks limiting production and productivity of common bean in Ethiopia. Farmers in the study area, Dawro zone, had been cultivating common bean landraces for about five centuries and Red wolaita for about 30 years. Red wolaita is low seed yielding and poor in quality due to loss of its genetic identity because of mixing up with landraces, genetic drift, and natural out crossing. Hence, thirteen newly released common bean varieties reported for their higher seed yield potential and Red wolaita were evaluated at seven locations for seed yield and its related traits performance using RCBD design with three replications in Dawro zone, southwest Ethiopia, in the 2010 main cropping season to select higher seed yielding and broadly adapted varieties. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) models were used to analyze the data. The analysis of variance revealed presence of highly significantly difference (P < 0.01) between varieties for seed yield and its related traits performance. Combined AMMI model analysis of variance partitioned the variability in seed yield performance of varieties with the largest effect of location (50.27%) followed by variety effect (28.81%) and then variety by location interaction (GLI) effect (20.92%) indicating highly significant complication of GLI in selecting high seed yielding and broadly adapted varieties with greater influence of location. AMMI 1 biplot analysis enabled identification of higher seed yielding and broadly adapted varieties, Zebra-90, GobeRasha, Roba-1, Nasir, and Omo-95. Higher seed yielding varieties were earlier to flower, but latest to mature. Longer plant height, and higher number of primary branches per plant, pods per plant, and seeds per pod had better contributed to higher seed yield performance. Generally, since broadly adapted varieties were the winners with rank change within themselves at all locations and no variety had performed specifically well, Zebra-90, GobeRasha, Roba-1, Nasir, and Omo-95 were recommended for production in the Zone and now Nasir, which has similar seed color with the old and low seed yielding cultivar in the Zone, Red wolaita, has got wider acceptance and at popular production in the Zone.
机译:所有潜在地区的收成不佳,老品种的换代速度缓慢(超过15-30年)是严重的瓶颈,限制了埃塞俄比亚普通豆的生产和生产力。研究区达沃(Dawro)地区的农民种植普通豆地方品种已有大约五个世纪的历史,而红沃莱塔(Red wolaita)已有大约30年的历史。红wolaita的种子产量低,并且由于与地方品种混合,遗传漂移和自然越境杂交而失去其遗传特性,因此品质不佳。因此,在RCE设计的基础上,在埃塞俄比亚西南部的Dawro地区,在2010年的主季,对七个据报道具有较高种子产量潜力和Red wolaita的新发行普通豆品种进行了七个产量的种子产量及其相关性状表现的评估,其中三个重复选择较高的种子产量和广泛适应的品种。方差分析(ANOVA)和加性主效应以及乘性交互作用(AMMI)模型用于分析数据。方差分析表明,种子产量及其相关性状表现的品种之间存在极显着差异(P <0.01)。结合AMMI模型的方差分析将品种的种子产量表现的变异性划分为最大的位置效应(50.27%),其次是品种效应(28.81%),然后是通过位置相互作用(GLI)效应(20.92%)的变异,表明高度显着GLI在选择高种子产量和位置影响较大的广泛适应品种方面的复杂性。 AMMI 1双图分析能够鉴定出较高的种子产量和广泛适应的品种,即Zebra-90,GobeRasha,Roba-1,Nasir和Omo-95。种子产量高的品种早开花,但最晚成熟。更长的株高,每株初级分支,每株豆荚和每株豆荚的种子数量更多,可以更好地提高种子产量。通常,由于适应范围广泛的品种是获胜者,他们在所有地点的内部排名都有变化,而且没有一个品种表现特别出色,因此建议在该区域内生产Zebra-90,GobeRasha,Roba-1,Nasir和Omo-95。 Nasir的种子颜色与该地区的红wolaita种子古老而低产的品种相似,已经在该地区获得了广泛的认可和广泛的生产。



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