首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Life Science and Technology >The Biology of the Hairy Mangrove Crab Sesarma huzardii from Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria

The Biology of the Hairy Mangrove Crab Sesarma huzardii from Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria

机译:尼日利亚拉各斯泻湖的毛红树林蟹Sesarma huzardii的生物学



Some aspect of biology of the hairy mangrove crab Sesarma huzardii was studied. A total of five hundred and one (501) samples of Sesarma huzardii were collected from the mangrove swamp of Lagos lagoon front. Samples were examined for a period of six months (March, 2012 to August, 2012). The growth pattern, food and feeding habits, condition factor, sex ratio and reproduction biology of the crab were investigated. The summary of the length-weight relationship showed Log W= Log 0.6932 + 0.8787 Log L(n = 501, r = 0.4665) which reveals a negative allometric growth. Stomach content reveals S. huzardii to be an opportunistic omnivore as stomach content showed the presence of algae filament (34.8%), Nitzschia lineris (26.5%). Navicula cuspidate was the most abundant with 36.9%. The least abundant was Oscillatoria limnosa 1.6% by numerical method and by the frequency of occurrence, Navicula cusipadate also constituted the most abundant food items with 1.31%, Nitzschia linearis with 0.69%, algae filament was 0.93 and Oscillatoria limnosa was 0.22%. The sex ratio was 1:0.38 as the males were twice the number of females. Result for condition factor was 3.79 for both sexes and from the investigation they where three female that were ovigerous out of 501 samples analyzed. Sersama huzardii was more abundant from March to May and a decline in abundance from June to August. Generally, the analyses of Sesarma huzardii reported in this study are within normal limits.
机译:研究了多毛红树林蟹Sesarma huzardii的某些生物学特性。从拉各斯泻湖前部的红树林沼泽中收集了总共501个(501)的Sesarma huzardii样品。检查样本的时间为六个月(2012年3月至2012年8月)。研究了蟹的生长方式,食物和摄食习惯,条件因素,性别比和繁殖生物学。长度-重量关系的摘要显示Log W = Log 0.6932 + 0.8787 Log L(n = 501,r = 0.4665),这表明异速生长为负数。胃中的内容物表明胡扎尔丁氏菌是机会性杂食动物,因为胃中的内容物中存在藻丝(34.8%),线虫(Nitzschia lineris)(26.5%)。圆锥形鼻鳍最丰富,占36.9%。数量最少的是按数值法测得的天竺葵(Oscillatoria limnosa)1.6%,按发生的频率,cusvicapadate Navicula也是食物中含量最高的食物,占1.31%,线虫Nitzschia占0.69%,藻丝为0.93,而Oscillatoria limnosa为0.22%。性别比为1:0.38,因为男性是女性的两倍。男女的条件因素结果均为3.79,从调查中他们分析了501个样本中有3个雌雄同体的女性。 3月至5月间,Sersama huzardii更为丰富,6月至8月,其丰富度下降。通常,本研究中报道的芝麻小叶芥(Sesarma huzardii)分析在正常范围内。



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