首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Entomology >Efficacy of aqueous leaf extracts and synthetic insecticide on pod-sucking bugs infestation of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) in the Guinea Sa-vanna Region of Nigeria

Efficacy of aqueous leaf extracts and synthetic insecticide on pod-sucking bugs infestation of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) in the Guinea Sa-vanna Region of Nigeria

机译:含水叶提取物和合成杀虫剂对尼日利亚几内亚萨凡纳地区cow豆(Vigna unguiculata(L.)Walp)荚果虫侵染的功效



Pod-sucking bugs (PSBs) infestation by Ano-plocnemissp./ Riptortussp./Clavigrallasp./Nezaraviridula( Linnaeus) greatly limits cowpea (Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp) production throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The efficacy of aqueous leaf extracts (ALEs) (5 percent weight/volume concentration) of three botanicals and one synthetic insecticide against PSBs infestation was thus evaluated. The botanicals tested include Aza- dirachtaindicaA. Juss, Chromolaenaodorata (L.) and Ricinuscommunis (L.), whilst the synthetic insecticide was Uppercot 500 EC ( Lambda cyhalothrin 30 g + Dimethoate 250 g ). The effects of these treatments on the number of PSBs/ pods/seeds, pod/seed weight and grain yield were assessed during 2008 and 2009 rainy seasons in Bayo, Borno State, Guinea Savanna region, Nigeria. The number of PSBs was lower on crops treated with Uppercot 500 EC (0.00 - 0.31). This was followed by crops treated with the ALEs ofA.indica/C.odorata (0.31 - 1.33) and R.communis (0.72 - 3.72) than the untreated (3.06 - 5.64) ones.The number of pods/pod weight per plant, seeds/seed weight per pod and total grain yield were generally higher on cowpea crops treated with Uppercot 500 EC (26/17 g, 14/19 g and 1618 kg). This was followed bycrops treated with the ALEs of A.indica/C.odorata (23 - 25/14 - 15 g, 12 - 13/15 g and 1268 - 1310 kg) and R.communis( 21/13 g, 11/14 g and 972 kg) than the untreated (16/9 g, 7/10 g and 312 kg) ones. Although Uppercot 500 EC was most effective inprotecting cowpea against PSBs attack, theALEs of A.indica and C.odorata appreciably protected treated crops against infestation, giving relatively high total grain yield. Both botanical scan thus serve as alternatives to synthetic insecticides for managing PSBs attack on cowpea.
机译:Ano-plocnemissp./Riptortussp./Clavigrallasp./Nezaraviridula(Linnaeus)出没的荚虫(PSB)极大地限制了整个撒哈拉以南非洲的cow豆(Vignaunguiculata(L.)Walp)的生产。因此评估了三种植物药和一种合成杀虫剂的水叶提取物(ALEs)(重量/体积浓度的5%)对PSB侵染的功效。被测试的植物药包括印-素。 Juss,Chromolaenaodorata(L.)和Ricinuscommunis(L.),而合成杀虫剂是Uppercot 500 EC(λ氟氯氰菊酯30 g +乐果250 g)。在尼日利亚几内亚萨凡纳州的博诺州巴约,在2008年和2009年的雨季期间,评估了这些处理对PSB /荚果/种子,荚果/种子重量和谷物产量的影响。用Uppercot 500 EC处理的农作物中PSB的数量较少(0.00-0.31)。其次是用A.indica / C.odorata(0.31-1.33)和R.communis(0.72-3.72)的ALE处理的农作物比未处理的(3.06-5.64)的农作物。用Uppercot 500 EC处理的cow豆作物的单荚种子/种子重量和总谷物产量通常更高(26/17 g,14/19 g和1618 kg)。随后是用A.indica / C.odorata(23-25 / 14-15 g,12-13 / 15 g和1268-1310 kg)和R.communis(21/13 g,11 / 14克和972公斤)比未处理的(16/9克,7/10克和312公斤)。尽管Uppercot 500 EC最有效地保护了cow豆免受PSB侵害,但印度。和印度odor藜的ALE可以有效保护处理过的农作物免受侵染,从而使总谷物产量较高。因此,两种植物扫描都可以替代合成杀虫剂来控制PSB对cow豆的攻击。



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