首页> 外文期刊>Compositio mathematica >Sato–Tate distributions and Galois endomorphism modules in genus 2

Sato–Tate distributions and Galois endomorphism modules in genus 2




AbstractFor an abelian surface A over a number field k, we study the limiting distribution of the normalized Euler factors of the L-function of A. This distribution is expected to correspond to taking characteristic polynomials of a uniform random matrix in some closed subgroup of USp(4); this Sato–Tate group may be obtained from the Galois action on any Tate module of A. We show that the Sato–Tate group is limited to a particular list of 55 groups up to conjugacy. We then classify A according to the Galois module structure on the ?-algebra generated by endomorphisms of (the Galois type), and establish a matching with the classification of Sato–Tate groups; this shows that there are at most 52 groups up to conjugacy which occur as Sato–Tate groups for suitable A and k, of which 34 can occur for k=?. Finally, we present examples of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves exhibiting each Galois type (over ? whenever possible), and observe numerical agreement with the expected Sato–Tate distribution by comparing moment statistics.
机译:摘要对于一个数域k上的阿贝尔曲面A,我们研究了A的L函数的归一化欧拉因子的极限分布。该分布有望与在USp的某个封闭子组中采用均匀随机矩阵的特征多项式相对应(4);该Sato-Tate组可以从对A的任何Tate模块的Galois动作中获得。我们证明,Sato-Tate组仅限于特定的55个组的共轭。然后,我们根据(伽罗瓦型)同态产生的α-代数上的伽罗瓦模块结构对A进行分类,并建立与Sato-Tate群分类的匹配。这表明最多有52个共轭的基团作为适合的A和k的Sato–Tate基团出现,其中34个在k =?时可以出现。最后,我们给出了展示每种伽罗瓦类型的超椭圆曲线的雅可比行列式的例子(可能时超过?),并通过比较矩统计量来观察与期望的Sato-Tate分布的数值一致性。



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