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The sign of Galois representations attached to automorphic forms for unitary groups




AbstractLet K be a CM number field and GK its absolute Galois group. A representation of GK is said to be polarized if it is isomorphic to the contragredient of its outer complex conjugate, up to a twist by a power of the cyclotomic character. Absolutely irreducible polarized representations of GK have a sign ±1, generalizing the fact that a self-dual absolutely irreducible representation is either symplectic or orthogonal. If Π is a regular algebraic, polarized, cuspidal automorphic representation of GLn(????K), and if ρ is a p-adic Galois representation attached to Π, then ρ is polarized and we show that all of its polarized irreducible constituents have sign +1 . In particular, we determine the orthogonal/symplectic alternative for the Galois representations associated to the regular algebraic, essentially self-dual, cuspidal automorphic representations of GLn (????F) when F is a totally real number field.
机译:摘要让K为CM数字字段,让G为绝对伽罗瓦群。如果GK表示与其外部复合物共轭物的同形同构,直到通过环线特征的力扭转,则称其为极化的。 GK的绝对不可约极化表示具有符号±1,这概括了一个事实:自对绝对不可约表示是辛或正交的。如果is是GLn(ΔεK)的正则代数,极化,尖峰自同构表示,并且ρ是附加到Π的p-adic Galois表示,则ρ是极化的,我们证明了其所有极化的不可约成分有符号+1。尤其是,当F是一个全实数字段时,我们确定与Galn的正则代数,本质上是自对偶的,尖峰的自变态表示有关的Galois表示的正交/渐近表示。



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