首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Difference Equations >Laplace transform for solving some families of fractional differential equations and its applications

Laplace transform for solving some families of fractional differential equations and its applications




In many recent works, many authors have demonstrated the usefulness of fractional calculus in the derivation of particular solutions of a significantly large number of linear ordinary and partial differential equations of the second and higher orders. The main objective of the present paper is to show how this simple fractional calculus method to the solutions of some families of fractional differential equations would lead naturally to several interesting consequences, which include (for example) a generalization of the classical Frobenius method. The methodology presented here is based chiefly upon some general theorems on (explicit) particular solutions of some families of fractional differential equations with the Laplace transform and the expansion coefficients of binomial series. MSC:26A33, 33C10, 34A05.
机译:在许多最近的著作中,许多作者已经证明了分数微积分在推导大量大量的二阶和更高阶线性常微分方程和偏微分方程的特定解中的有用性。本文的主要目的是表明,这种简单的分数阶微积分方法对某些分数阶微分方程组的解会如何自然地导致一些有趣的结果,包括(例如)经典Frobenius方法的推广。此处介绍的方法主要基于一些通用定理,这些定理基于带Laplace变换和二项式级数展开系数的分数阶微分方程族的(显式)特定解。 MSC:26A33、33C10、34A05。



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