首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Acoustics and Vibration >The Conceptual Design of High Pressure Reversible Axial Tunnel Ventilation Fans

The Conceptual Design of High Pressure Reversible Axial Tunnel Ventilation Fans




Tunnel ventilation fans, classically, must have the ability to both supply and extract air from a tunnel system, with the operator's choice dependent on the tunnel ventilation system's operating mode most appropriate at any given point in time. Consequently, tunnel ventilation fans must incorporate a reversible aerodynamic design which limits the maximum fan pressure rise. This paper presents three high pressure reversible fan concepts. These comprise a two-stage counter rotating fan, a single-stage high speed fan, and a two-stage fan with a single motor and impeller on each end of the motor shaft. The authors consider the relative merits of each concept. The third concept offers the most compact fan, transform, silencer, and damper package size. The authors discuss the mechanical design challenges that occur with a two-stage fan with a single motor and impeller on each end of the motor shaft. They present and consider a selected motor bearing arrangement and casing design for maintainability. Finally, the authors present both prototype fan and full-scale package aerodynamic and acoustic performance, before discussing the challenges presented by high temperature certification in accordance with the requirements of EN 12101-3: 2012.
机译:传统上,隧道通风风扇必须具有从隧道系统供气和抽气的能力,操作员的选择取决于在任何给定时间点最合适的隧道通风系统的运行模式。因此,隧道通风风扇必须采用可逆的空气动力学设计,以限制最大风扇压力上升。本文介绍了三种高压可逆风机概念。这些组件包括一个两级反向旋转风扇,一个单级高速风扇以及一个在电机轴的两端具有一个电动机和叶轮的两级风扇。作者考虑了每个概念的相对优点。第三个概念提供了最紧凑的风扇,变压器,消音器和减震器尺寸。作者讨论了在具有单个电动机和电动机轴两端的叶轮的两级风扇中出现的机械设计挑战。他们提出并考虑了选定的电动机轴承布置和壳体设计以实现可维护性。最后,在讨论根据EN 12101-3:2012的要求进行的高温认证所带来的挑战之前,作者同时介绍了原型风扇和全尺寸包装的空气动力学和声学性能。



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