首页> 外文期刊>Advances in BioResearch >Preliminary Survey on the Distribution of Ixodid Ticks in small ruminants of Dhas District of Borena pastoral area, Southern Rangelands of Ethiopia

Preliminary Survey on the Distribution of Ixodid Ticks in small ruminants of Dhas District of Borena pastoral area, Southern Rangelands of Ethiopia




A survey was conducted to identify tick species and determine the prevalence of tick infestation in small ruminants of Dhas district of Borena pastoral area, southern rangelands of Ethiopia. Collection and identification of the ticks were undertaken from February 2013 to July 2013. All visible individual adult ticks were collected from the body of 248 goats and 136 sheep. The prevalence of tick infestation in goats and sheep was found to be 97.58% and 69.86%, respectively. In this study, five species of ticks which grouped under four genera were identified. The most abundant species found in this study were Boophilus decoloratus (41%), Rhipicephalus pulchellus (34.21%), Amblyomma gemma (14.07%) and Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi (6.92%). Hyalomma dromedari (4.02%) was the minor species observed on goats. The difference in the prevalence of tick infestation between sheep and goats and age groups was statistically significant (P 0.05). Moreover, with the exception of Amblyomma gemma and Hyalomma dromedari in all cases female ticks dominated males. Better success could be attained if an emphasis is being put on spraying small ruminants as per the current finding. Further studies on epidemiological occurrence and the influence of environment and tick related risk factors and of tick-borne diseases, as well as the involvement of wildlife species (as potential hosts) as well as related factors is recommended as these may provide a valuable basis for designing and launching an all-round control programme in the country.
机译:在埃塞俄比亚南部牧场的博雷纳牧区Dhas区的小反刍动物中进行了一项调查,以识别tick的种类并确定of的患病率。从2013年2月至2013年7月对the进行了收集和鉴定。从248只山羊和136只绵羊的尸体中收集了所有可见的成年tick。发现山羊和绵羊的tick虫感染率分别为97.58%和69.86%。在这项研究中,确定了在四个属下分组的五种s。在这项研究中发现的最丰富的物种是:Boophilus decoloratus(41%),Rhipicephalus pulchellus(34.21%),Amblyomma gemma(14.07%)和Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi(6.92%)。羊膜透明质酸(4.02%)是在山羊身上观察到的次要物种。绵羊和山羊与年龄组之间tick虫感染的发生率差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。此外,在所有情况下,除了gem虫和and虫以外,雌性s均以雄性为主。如果根据当前的发现重点放在喷洒小反刍动物上,将会取得更好的成功。建议进一步研究流行病学发生情况以及环境和tick相关危险因素和tick传播疾病的影响,以及野生动植物物种(作为潜在寄主)以及相关因素的参与,因为这些可能为在该国设计并启动全面控制程序。



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