首页> 外文期刊>Acta Zoologica Mexicana >Noteworthy records of amphibians and reptiles of Guanuajuato, collected at the Biosphere Reserve of 'Sierra Gorda of Guanuajuato' and adjacent zones

Noteworthy records of amphibians and reptiles of Guanuajuato, collected at the Biosphere Reserve of 'Sierra Gorda of Guanuajuato' and adjacent zones




align="justify"> face="verdana" size="2">Terrestrial vertebrates biodiversity form Guanajuato state is poorly known. The purpose of this article is to publish some noteworthy records of amphibians and reptiles and to confirm the presence of one doubtful species. Animals were colected between 2003 and 2006 in diferent localities of San Luis de la Paz, Victoria and Xichu municipalities, belonging to Biosphere Reserve of "Sierra Gorda de Guanajuato", and were deposited at Herpetological scientific collection, at National School of Biological Sciencies, I.P.N. New records of amphibians are: Chaunus marinus, Ollotis nebulifer, and reptiles are: Sceloporus variabilis, Plestiodon tetragrammus, Boa constrictor and Masticophis flagellum. Presence of Lithobates berlandieri is a confirmation of the species in Guanajuato.
机译:align =“ justify”> face =“ verdana” size =“ 2”>瓜纳华托州的陆地脊椎动物生物多样性形式鲜为人知。本文的目的是发布一些值得注意的两栖动物和爬行动物记录,并确认一种可疑物种的存在。在2003年至2006年之间,分别在维多利亚和西楚市圣路易斯·德拉巴斯的不同地方采集了动物,这些地方属于“塞拉哥达·瓜纳华托山脉”生物圈保护区,并存放在国立生物科学学院的爬虫科学馆藏中。两栖动物的新记录是: Chaunus marinus,Ollotis nebulifer 和爬行动物是: variocellabilis,Plestiodon trigrammus,Boa收缩器和 Masticophis flagellum。 存在的非洲石楠是对瓜纳华托物种的确认。



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