首页> 外文期刊>Acta physica Polonica, B. Particle Physics and Field Theory, Nuclear Physics, Theory of Relativity >Determination of Lifetimes of Excited States in Neutron-rich 20O Isotope from Experiment with the AGATA+PARIS+VAMOS Setup

Determination of Lifetimes of Excited States in Neutron-rich 20O Isotope from Experiment with the AGATA+PARIS+VAMOS Setup

机译:使用AGATA + PARIS + VAMOS装置进行实验,确定富含中子的20O同位素中激发态的寿命



An experiment aiming at measuring lifetimes of the second 2+ excited states in neutron-rich C and O isotopes was recently performed at the GANIL laboratory, in France. In these nuclei, recent ab initio calculations provide a detailed description of the nuclear excited states, predicting a strong sensitivity of the electromagnetic transition probabilities to the details of the nucleon–nucleon interactions, especially in connection with the role played by the three-body (NNN) forces. Thus, the measurement of 2+ states lifetimes in this region will be a stringent test of the importance of including the NNN forces in describing the electromagnetic properties of selected nuclear states. This contribution reports on the status of the experimental analysis for the case of lifetimes in 20O.
机译:最近在法国的GANIL实验室进行了旨在测量富含中子的C和O同位素中第二2+激发态寿命的实验。在这些原子核中,最近的从头算术计算提供了对核激发态的详细描述,预言了电磁跃迁概率对核子-核子相互作用细节的高度敏感性,尤其是与三体所起的作用有关( NNN)部队。因此,在该区域中2+态寿命的测量将是对包括NNN力在描述所选核态的电磁特性中的重要性的严格测试。该文稿报告了20O寿命情况下的实验分析状态。


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