首页> 外文期刊>Acta Medica Academica >Teodora Krajewska, Official Female Doctor of Tuzla and Sarajevo: Medical Practitioner, Woman of Science, Polish Patriot and Feminist

Teodora Krajewska, Official Female Doctor of Tuzla and Sarajevo: Medical Practitioner, Woman of Science, Polish Patriot and Feminist

机译:Teodora Krajewska,图兹拉和萨拉热窝的正式女医生:医学从业者,科学女性,波兰爱国者和女权主义者



A biographical note on Teodora Krajewska (1854- 1935) reveals the details of her life and professional activities as an Austro-Hungarian and Yugoslav health officer (Amts?rztin) in Tuzla (1893-1899) and in Sa-rajevo (1899-1923). Teodora Krajewska, née Kos-mowska was the third of nine official female doctors employed by the Austro-Hungarian administration in occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH: 1878-1918) and charged with the special task of popularising public health and hygiene, particularly among Mus-lim women. A Polish intellectual and fervent patriot from Warsaw, Krajewska had left Congress Poland as a young widow in 1883 to study medicine in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1890, she became the first woman in Europe to be employed as an assistant professor at the medical faculty of the University of Geneva but was forced to resign in 1892. In the same year, she was both awarded her doctorate and appointed to the position of an Austro-Hungarian female health officer in Tuzla. After being nationalised in Austria, she reported for duty in Tuzla in March 1893. In 1899, she accepted her transfer to a newly created position in Sarajevo where she was active as an official physician until 1922/23. She contributed to contemporary medical science through her research on leprosy and osteomalacia in Bosnia. She returned to Warsaw in 1928 and devoted herself to the translation of Serbo-Croatian literature and writing her memoirs on her life and activities in BH.
机译:特奥多拉·克拉耶夫斯卡(Teodora Krajewska(1854-1935))的传记记录揭示了她在图兹拉(1893-1899)和萨拉热窝(1899-1923)担任奥匈帝国和南斯拉夫卫生官员(Amts?rztin)的生活和专业活动的细节。 )。 Teodora Krajewska和NéeKos-mowska是被占领的波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那奥匈政府(BH:1878-1918)聘用的9名官方女医生中的第三名,她的任务是推广公共卫生和个人卫生,特别是在穆斯-lim妇女。克拉耶夫斯卡(Krajewska)是来自华沙的波兰知识分子和热情的爱国者,于1883年作为年轻寡妇离开波兰国会,在瑞士日内瓦学习医学。 1890年,她成为欧洲第一位在日内瓦大学医学院任助理教授的妇女,但在1892年被迫辞职。同年,她被授予博士学位并被任命为该职位。图兹拉的奥匈帝国女性卫生官员。在奥地利被国有化之后,她于1893年3月在图兹拉报到值班。1899年,她接受了转职到萨拉热窝的新职位的经验,在那里她一直担任正式医生直到1922/23年。她通过在波斯尼亚的麻风病和骨软化病研究为当代医学做出了贡献。她于1928年回到华沙,致力于翻译塞尔维亚-克罗地亚文学,并撰写回忆录,介绍她在BH的生活和活动。




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