首页> 外文期刊>Comunicao & Sociedade >Gênese da imprensa no Maranh?o nos séculos XIX e XX

Gênese da imprensa no Maranh?o nos séculos XIX e XX

机译:19和20世纪Maranh O报刊的起源



The Brazilian press was born late, 276 years after the start of the occupation of Brazil by the Portuguese Crown. Investigating the particularities of this process in the Northeast region, there is an intention to rescue the genesis of typographic activities in Maranh?o, whose milestone is the newspaper. O Conciliador do Maranh?o , that was issued between November 1821 and July 1823. The objective of this text is to identify the sociocultural factors that explain the delay of the press in the State. To do so, we performed a historical research adopting double methodological strategy: qualitative – in order to comprehend the circumstances that contributed to delay the arrival of press to the capital of Maranh?o, conditioning the nature of arising journalistic production; quantitative – aiming to reconstruct the journalistic profile, the editorial politic and the morphologic structure of this pioneer newspaper, through content analysis of a sample from it.
机译:巴西新闻社出生晚,距葡萄牙王朝占领巴西已有276年。为了调查东北地区这一过程的特殊性,有意挽救马拉内霍的印刷活动的起源,马拉内霍的里程碑是报纸。 O Conciliador do Maranh?o,于1821年11月至1823年7月发布。本文的目的是确定造成该州新闻界滞后的社会文化因素。为此,我们进行了一项采用双重方法论策略的历史研究:定性–为了了解造成新闻界延迟到达马兰霍的首都的情况,从而限制了新闻业产生的性质。定量的–旨在通过对样本样本进行内容分析来重建该先锋报纸的新闻报道,社论政治和形态结构。



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