首页> 外文期刊>Acta Geologica Slovaca >Vyznamné eventy v paleogeografii severnej ?asti Dunajskej panvy – nástroj na upresnenie stratigrafie jej vrchnomiocénnej a pliocénnej vyplne

Vyznamné eventy v paleogeografii severnej ?asti Dunajskej panvy – nástroj na upresnenie stratigrafie jej vrchnomiocénnej a pliocénnej vyplne




Late Neogene palaeogeography and geodynamics of the Danube Basin is characterized by wide rifting of the back arc basin, its gradual infill, followed by the Pliocene uplift and denudation. Basin development is well recorded in its sedimentary succession, where three 3rd order sequence stratigraphy cycles were documented. DB1 cycle comprising the Lower and Middle Pannonian sediments (A – E zones sensu Papp, 1951) deposited in time span 11.6 – (9.7?) 8.9 Ma is represented in Slovakia by the Ivanka and Beladice formations, in Hungary (where the formations are defined as appearance of sedimentary facies in time and space) the equivalents are: deepwater setting marls, clays and sandy turbidites of the Endr?d and Szolnok formations, towards overlying strata by deposits of the basin palaeoslope or delta-slope represented by the Algy? Formation and the final shallow water setting deposits of marches, lagoons, coastal and delta plain built up by clays, sands with coal seams, represented by the újfalu Formation. DB2 cycle comprises the Upper Pannonian sediments of the Danube Basin (F, G & H zones sensu Papp, 1951) deposited in time span (9.7?) 8.9 – 6.3? Ma and is represented by the uppermost part of the Beladice and Volkovce formations, in Hungary by the Zagyva Formation. Sedimentary environment can be characterized as alluvial – with wide range of facies – from fluvial, deltaic, ephemeral lake to marches and dry land deposits. DB3 cycle comprises the Pliocene sediments of the Danube Basin Slovak part represented by the Kolárovo Formation, dated 4.1? – 2.6 Ma. The formation was deposited in fluvial to lake, and alluvial environment.
机译:多瑙河盆地的新近纪晚古地理和地球动力学特征是后弧盆地的裂谷宽,逐渐充填,然后是上新世隆升和剥蚀。盆地发育在其沉积演替中得到了很好的记录,其中记录了三个三阶层序地层旋回。 DB1周期包括在时间段11.6 –(9.7?)8.9内沉积的下部和中部Pannonian沉积物(A – E区sensu Papp,1951)8.9 Ma在匈牙利由Ivanka和Beladice地层代表(定义了地层) (在时间和空间上是沉积相的外观),其等效项是:Endr?d和Szolnok地层的深水凝结的泥灰岩,粘土和砂质浊积岩,以由Algy?由újfalu组代表的由粘土,带煤层的沙子组成的行军,泻湖,沿海和三角洲平原的地层和最终的浅水沉积沉积物。 DB2周期包括在时间跨度(9.7?)8.9 – 6.3?中沉积的多瑙河盆地上潘诺尼阶沉积物(F,G和H sensu Papp带,1951年)。 Ma由匈牙利的Zagyva地层代表Beladice和Volkovce地层的最上部。沉积环境的特征是冲积作用-具有广泛的相-从河流,三角洲,短暂的湖泊到行军和旱地沉积物。 DB3循环包括以Kolárovo组为代表的多瑙河盆地斯洛伐克部分的上新世沉积,日期为4.1? – 2.6马。地层沉积在河流和河流冲积环境中。




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