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Anesthetic experimental device for small animal




PURPOSE: The difficulty to anesthetize small laboratory animals with vaporizer prompted us to go in search of new materials, and create new techniques. The improved equipment of anesthesia we looked for should be low cost, practical, versatile, and its management serve ethical, teaching, and research purposes. METHODS: The new components of the equipment were: the vaporizer, the unidirectional valve, the glass cylinder filled with water, the flow guidance y-shape tube, the flow regulators, the mask modifications, and another free airway for emergency occurrence. A test was done with 30 Wistar rats, Rattus norvegicus albinus, divided into three groups with 10 rats for each one. Groups 1, 2 and 3 were anesthetized with Ether, Halothane and Sevoflurane respectively, using the new gadget. The anesthetic induction time, the breathing rhythm alteration during an anesthesia pre-established time (10 minutes), and the recovery time were observed. RESULTS: The equipment enabled an easy handling, and fulfilled a larger safeness and stability during the induction and anesthetic management. The test showed it was possible to make use of several anesthetic agents. CONCLUSION: The device is effective, and turns the anesthesia procedure into a very easy practice with low-cost. It should be recommended for experimental surgery, teaching and research.
机译:目的:用蒸发器麻醉小型实验动物的困难促使我们去寻找新材料,并创造新技术。我们寻求的改进的麻醉设备应该是低成本,实用,多功能的,并且其管理符合伦理,教学和研究目的。方法:该设备的新组件包括:蒸发器,单向阀,装满水的玻璃瓶,Y型导流管,流量调节器,面罩改型和用于紧急情况的另一条自由气道。对30只Wistar大鼠,即Rattus norvegicus albinus进行了测试,将其分成三组,每组10只。使用新的小工具,分别用乙醚,氟烷和七氟醚麻醉第1、2和3组。观察麻醉诱导时间,麻醉预定时间(10分钟)期间的呼吸节奏变化以及恢复时间。结果:该设备易于操作,并在诱导和麻醉处理过程中实现了更大的安全性和稳定性。该测试表明可以使用几种麻醉剂。结论:该装置是有效的,并且将麻醉过程变成了非常容易的低成本实践。应该推荐用于实验手术,教学和研究。



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