首页> 外文期刊>Acta geologica Polonica >A unique fossil record from neptunian sills: the world’s most extreme example of stratigraphic condensation (Jurassic, western Sicily)

A unique fossil record from neptunian sills: the world’s most extreme example of stratigraphic condensation (Jurassic, western Sicily)




Neptunian sills at Rocca Busambra, a fragment of the Trapanese/Saccense Domain in western Sicily, host themost abundant ammonite and gastropod fauna which has ever been recorded from the Jurassic of the westernTethys. The fauna is dominated by parautochthonous organisms which were swept into the sills by gentletransport. Ammonites are characterized by perfect preservation and small size, a feature which is due to thepredominance of microconchs but also of stunting. The most complete sill is 0.7 m thick and could be separatedinto 17 levels which range in age from the early Toarcian into the late Kimmeridgian, thus representing the mostextreme case of palaeontologically and depositionally documented stratigraphic condensation in Earth history.The unique feature of the Rocca Busambra sills is due to the interaction of three processes: extreme stratigraphiccondensation on the sea floor, weak tectonic fracturing of the host rock and repeated reopening on top of alreadyexisting sills. Contrasting percentages of gastropods in individual levels reflect sea-level oscillations whichcorrespond to long known low- and highstands during the Jurassic of the western Tethys. Comparisons withother ammonite-bearing sill faunas reveal several similarities, but represent only short-timed phases of tectonicpulses and deposition.
机译:罗卡·布桑布拉(Rocca Busambra)的海王星基石是西西里岛西部Trapanese / Senseense域的一部分,拥有最丰富的菊石和腹足动物类动物,这是西特提斯侏罗纪有记载的。动物区系由副声生物控制,并通过轻柔的运输进入窗台。炸药的特点是保存完好,体积小,这是由于微孔螺的优势以及发育迟缓。最完整的门槛厚度为0.7 m,可以分为17个层级,从早期Toarcian到Kimmeridgian晚期,代表了地球历史上最古老的古生物学和沉积学记录地层凝结案例.Rocca Busambra的独特特征窗台是由于三个过程的相互作用:海床上的极端地层凝结,主岩的弱构造断裂以及在已经存在的窗台上反复重新开放。腹足动物在各个水平上的不同百分比反映了海平面的振荡,这与在特提斯西部侏罗纪期间众所周知的低潮和高潮有关。与其他含mon石基岩动物区系的比较显示出一些相似之处,但仅代表构造脉冲和沉积的短时间阶段。



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