首页> 外文期刊>Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana >El Colesterol no-HDL demuestra una mejor exactitud en el score de la clasificación del riesgo cardiovascular comparado con el colesterol LDL, directo o calculado, en una población dislipémica

El Colesterol no-HDL demuestra una mejor exactitud en el score de la clasificación del riesgo cardiovascular comparado con el colesterol LDL, directo o calculado, en una población dislipémica




Backgound: Our objective was to evaluate the accuracy of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk score classification by direct LDL cholesterol (dLDL-C), calculated LDL cholesterol (cLDL-C), and non-HDL cholesterol (non-HDL-C) compared to classification by reference measurement procedures (RMPs) performed at the CDC. Methods: We examined 175 individuals, including 138 with CVD or conditions that may affect LDL-C measurement. dLDL-C measurements were performed using Denka, Kyowa, Sekisui, Serotec, Sysmex, UMA, and Wako reagents. cLDL-C was calculated by the Friedewald equation, using each manufacturer's direct HDL-C assay measurements, and total cholesterol and triglyceride measurements by Roche and Siemens (Advia) assays, respectively. Results: For participants with triglycerides <2.26 mmol/L (<200 mg/dL), the overall misclassification rate for the CVD risk score ranged from 5% to 17% for cLDL-C methods and 8% to 26% for dLDL-C methods when compared to the RMP. Only Wako dLDL-C had fewer misclassifications than its corresponding cLDL-C method (8% vs 17%; P < 0.05). Non-HDL-C assays misclassified fewer patients than dLDL-C for 4 of 8 methods (P < 0.05). For participants with triglycerides <2.26 mmol/L (200 mg/dL) and <4.52 mmol/L (<400 mg/dL), dLDL-C methods, in general, performed better than cLDL-C methods, and non-HDL-C methods showed better correspondence to the RMP for CVD risk score than either dLDL-C or cLDL-C methods. Conclusions: Except for hypertriglyceridemic individuals, 7 of 8 dLDL-C methods failed to show improved CVD risk score classification over the corresponding cLDL-C methods. Non-HDL-C showed overall the best concordance with the RMP for CVD risk score classification of both normal and hypertriglyceridemic individuals
机译:背景:我们的目标是通过比较直接LDL胆固醇(dLDL-C),计算的LDL胆固醇(cLDL-C)和非HDL胆固醇(non-HDL-C)评估心血管疾病(CVD)风险评分分类的准确性通过CDC执行的参考测量程序(RMP)进行分类。方法:我们检查了175人,其中138人患有CVD或可能影响LDL-C测量的疾病。使用Denka,Kyowa,Sekisui,Serotec,Sysmex,UMA和Wako试剂进行dLDL-C测量。 cLDL-C是由弗里德瓦尔德方程式(使用每个制造商的直接HDL-C测定法测量)以及总胆固醇和甘油三酯测定法(分别由Roche和Siemens(Advia)测定法)计算得出的。结果:对于甘油三酯<2.26 mmol / L(<200 mg / dL)的参与者,CVD风险评分的总体错误分类率在cLDL-C方法中为5%至17%,在dLDL-C方法中为8%至26%与RMP比较的方法。只有Wako dLDL-C的错误分类比其对应的cLDL-C方法更少(8%对17%; P <0.05)。对于8种方法中的4种,非HDL-C分析将错误分类的患者比dLDL-C少(P <0.05)。对于甘油三酯<2.26 mmol / L(200 mg / dL)和<4.52 mmol / L(<400 mg / dL)的参与者,dLDL-C方法通常比cLDL-C方法和非HDL-与dLDL-C或cLDL-C方法相比,C方法显示出与RMP有关CVD风险评分更好的对应性。结论:除高甘油三酯血症患者外,8种dLDL-C方法中有7种未能显示出比相应cLDL-C方法更好的CVD风险评分分类。非HDL-C在正常和高甘油三酯血症患者的CVD风险评分分类中总体上与RMP最佳一致


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