首页> 外文期刊>Acta Chimica Slovenica >Comparative Study of the Gas-phase Cyclodimer Formations of Uracil and 6-azauracil in Excited State and Through Conical Intersections S0/S1

Comparative Study of the Gas-phase Cyclodimer Formations of Uracil and 6-azauracil in Excited State and Through Conical Intersections S0/S1

机译:兴奋状态下和通过圆锥形交点S0 / S1时尿嘧啶和6-氮杂嘧啶的气相环二聚体形成的比较研究



The photocyclodimerization mechanisms of two oxo tautomers of uracil and 6-azauracil were studied at the CC2 level of theory and cc-pVDZ basis functions. Uracil was explored in three orientations of the monomers - cis-anti, trans-syn and trans-anti , while 6-azauracil - in all four orientations. Conical intersections S 0 /S 1 were found at the CASSCF(2,2)/6-31G* theoretical level. The study propose a photophysical mechanisms of photoformation and photodestruction of cyclodimers (CDs), which occur through the 1 ππ * electron excited states (spectroscopically bright states). The photophysical relaxations (internal conversions) to the ground states are mediated by conical intersections S 0 /S 1 , which we found and discussed in the current paper.
机译:在理论水平的CC2和cc-pVDZ基本功能下研究了尿嘧啶和6-氮杂尿嘧啶的两种羰基互变异构体的光环二聚机理。在单体的三个方向上都研究了尿嘧啶的三个方向:顺式,反式,反式,顺式和反式,而6-氮杂嘧啶。在CASSCF(2,2)/ 6-31G *理论水平上发现了圆锥形交点S 0 / S 1。该研究提出了通过1ππ*电子激发态(光谱上明亮的态)发生的二聚体(CDs)的光形成和光破坏的光物理机制。到基态的光物理弛豫(内部转换)是由我们在本文中发现和讨论的圆锥形交点S 0 / S 1介导的。



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