首页> 外文期刊>Acta Botanica Brasilica >Structural and functional leaf traits of two Gochnatia species from distinct growth forms in a sclerophyll forest site in Southeastern Brazil

Structural and functional leaf traits of two Gochnatia species from distinct growth forms in a sclerophyll forest site in Southeastern Brazil




Gochnatia is very common in different phytophysiognomies in the Cerrado of S?o Paulo State, occupying open and closed areas. In this study, we compared the leaf anatomy and some ecophysiological traits of two species of Gochnatia, one a shrub (Gochnatia barrosii Cabrera) and the other a tree (Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera), which both occur in an area of "cerrad?o" at the Esta??o Ecológica de Assis, SP. We found qualitative structural differences between the species, with G. barrosii presenting amphistomatic leaves with a uniseriate epidermis and G. polymorpha showing hypostomatic leaves and a multiple epidermis or hypodermis on the adaxial surface. Moreover, the G. barrosii leaves had lower values in tissue thickness (with the exception of the epidermis on the abaxial surface) and leaf thickness in relation to G. polymorpha. There were differences in CO2 assimilation both in area and leaf dry mass basis, and differences in specific leaf area, which was higher in G. barrosii. Although the G. barrosii leaves were much less sclerophyllous than the G. polymorpha leaves, we found no differences in the efficiency of water use. The results suggest that plants from the same genus, but with distinct growth forms, differ in their leaf traits to deal with the environmental variations that they grow in.
机译:Gochnatia在圣保罗州塞拉多的不同植物生理学中非常常见,占据着开放和封闭的区域。在这项研究中,我们比较了两种Gochnatia物种的叶子解剖结构和一些生理生理特性,一种是灌木(Gochnatia barrosii Cabrera),另一种是树种(Gochnatia polymorpha(Less。)Cabrera),它们都发生在“ cerrad?o”位于SP的Esta ?? oEcológicade Assis。我们发现了物种之间的质性结构差异,其中G. barrosii呈现出两表皮的叶子,表皮没有单性,而G. polymorpha则显示出表皮的叶子和近轴表面有多个表皮或皮下组织。而且,相对于多形菌,Barrosii G. barrosii叶片的组织厚度(除表皮在背面外)和叶片厚度的值较低。面积和叶片干重的基础上,CO2同化作用存在差异,比叶面积也存在差异,而巴氏志贺菌则更高。尽管Barrosii G. barrosii的叶菌毛比G. polymorpha叶的少,但我们发现水分利用效率没有差异。结果表明,来自同一属但具有不同生长形式的植物的叶片性状不同,以应对它们所生长的环境变化。



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