首页> 外文期刊>Acta Cirurgica Brasileira >Hemodynamic effects of ropivacaine and levobupivacaine intravenous injection in swines

Hemodynamic effects of ropivacaine and levobupivacaine intravenous injection in swines




PURPOSE: To compare the hemodynamic effects following a toxic dose of either agent after intravenous injection in swines, as might accidentally occur during regional anesthesia in humans. METHODS: Large White pigs were anesthetized with thiopental, tracheal intubation was performed and mechanical ventilation was instituted. Hemodynamic variables were recorded with invasive pressure monitoring and pulmonary artery catheterization. After a 30-minute resting period, the animals were randomly divided into two groups in a double-blinded fashion and received a bolus intravenous injection of 4 mg.kg-1 of either agent. Hemodynamic results were evaluated at rest and 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes after intoxication. RESULTS: Hemodynamic repressions of acute intoxication with levobupivacaine were more important and more prolonged than those of ropivacaína. CONCLUSION: In pigs, levobupivacaine was shown to be more toxic than ropivacaine when the same large doses are injected intravenously.
机译:目的:比较在猪中静脉注射后有毒剂量的任何一种药物在人体内局部麻醉后可能偶然发生的血液动力学效应。方法:将大型白猪用硫喷妥钠麻醉,进行气管插管并建立机械通气。通过有创压力监测和肺动脉导管插入术记录血流动力学变量。静息30分钟后,将动物以双盲方式随机分为两组,并静脉推注4 mg.kg-1的任何一种药物。在休息后以及中毒后1、5、10、15、20和30分钟评估血流动力学结果。结果:与罗哌卡因相比,左旋布比卡因对急性中毒的血流动力学抑制作用更为重要,而且作用时间更长。结论:在猪中,当静脉注射相同剂量的大剂量左旋布比卡因比罗哌卡因毒性更高。



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