首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agrobotanica >Rozwój warstw ?ciennych i otwieranie si? pylnika u kilku dzikich gatunków ziemniaka (Solarium chacoense Bitt., S. phureja Juz. et Buk., 5. giberulosum Juz. et Buk., S. Commersonii Dun.) [The development of the parietal layers and dehiscence of the anthers at some wild potato species (Solanum chacoense Bitt., S. phureja Juz. et Buk., S. giberulosum Juz. et Buk., and S. Commersonii Dun.]

Rozwój warstw ?ciennych i otwieranie si? pylnika u kilku dzikich gatunków ziemniaka (Solarium chacoense Bitt., S. phureja Juz. et Buk., 5. giberulosum Juz. et Buk., S. Commersonii Dun.) [The development of the parietal layers and dehiscence of the anthers at some wild potato species (Solanum chacoense Bitt., S. phureja Juz. et Buk., S. giberulosum Juz. et Buk., and S. Commersonii Dun.]

机译:墙层的发展和开放几种野生马铃薯花药的花药(Solarium chacoense Bitt。,S。phureja Juz。等,Buk。,5。giberulosum Juz。等,B.,S。Commersonii Dun。)[顶叶层的发育和某些地方的花药开裂野生马铃薯(Solanum chacoense Bitt。,S。phureja Juz。等Buk。,S。giberulosum Juz。等Buk。和S. Commersonii Dun。)。



The anthers in these species like in whole genus Solanum are poricidal still some differences have been observed in structure of their anther walls. The fibrous cells associated with dehiscence restricted usually to the area around the pore may form a single layer or may form compact mass often irregular in thickness or it may be lacking at all. Besides the apical pore one can observe a lateral dehiscence. By desintegra-tion of cells a gap is forming in the wall separating the two anther chambers which causes breaking it down. Then stomium like cells in epidermis contribute to the lateral opening.



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