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Imago Dei anthropology in Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov

机译:陀思妥耶夫斯基的《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中的Imago Dei人类学



The first part of the article deals with Dostoevsky’s poetics of imago Christi in The Brothers Karamazov , i.e. with the intrinsic comparison between the characters of the novel and that special hero of the same novel that is Christ himself. Indeed, the figure of Jesus Christ not only occurs many times in The Brothers Karamazov , but the different characters strive towards Christ, are built upon Christ’s figura , in the sense Auerbach used this term in his book Mimesis . From this point of view, Dostoevsky’s poetics of imago Christi fits exactly with the pattern prefiguration–fulfillment, which the Fathers of the Church and their Medieval followers developed and used very often. In the second part of the article, patristic texts from Dostoevsky’s personal library, such as St. John Chrysostom’s writings, are analyzed as a source of imago Dei poetics. In particular, both St. John Chrysostom’s Letter to Monks and the chapter Elders (Chapter V of the Book I of the novel) focus on starchestvo , on human ‘inner image’ and on the spiritual enterprise – the so-called podvig – that every character of the novel, following Christ, has to fulfil.
机译:本文的第一部分论述陀思妥耶夫斯基在《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中的伊玛戈·克里斯蒂的诗学,即小说人物与同一小说的特殊英雄基督本人之间的内在比较。确实,耶稣基督的身影不仅在卡拉马佐夫兄弟中多次出现,而且朝着基督而努力的不同人物都建立在基督的菲古拉书上,也就是说奥尔巴赫在他的《 模仿。从这个角度来看,陀思妥耶夫斯基的《伊玛戈·克里斯蒂》的诗学恰好符合预谋实现的模式,这是教会的父亲和他们的中世纪信徒们经常开发和使用的。在文章的第二部分中,分析了陀思妥耶夫斯基个人图书馆中的爱国主义文本,例如圣约翰·克里斯托斯通(St. John Chrysostom)的著作,以此作为 imago Dei诗学的来源。特别是,圣约翰·金口托夫(John John Chrysostom)的《僧侣信》和《长辈》(长者)一章(小说的第一卷第五章)都着眼于 starchestvo,人类的“内在形象”和属灵的事业–所谓的odvig> –小说中的每个人物都必须效法基督。



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