首页> 外文期刊>Achievements in the Life Sciences >The Potential Role of Migratory Birds in the Spread of Tick-borne Infections in Siberia and the Russian Far East

The Potential Role of Migratory Birds in the Spread of Tick-borne Infections in Siberia and the Russian Far East




Abstract From 2006 to 2011, in the Tomsk region (south of Western Siberia), eight species of pathogens were detected in birds and the ticks feeding on them: Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), West Nile virus (WNV), Borrelia spp., Rickettsia spp., Bartonella spp., Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., and Babesia spp. The identification of a number of strains of viruses and bacterial genovariants related geographically with the Russian Far East, Eastern Siberia, China and Japan and confirms the possibility of the role of birds in the spread of pathogens in the direction of Western Siberia and back. Most of the species that breed and migrate in Western Siberia are of Eastern origin and mostly fly for wintering to South-East Asia. Among these species in our samples, Phylloscopus proregulus was a carrier of both {TBEV} and Bartonella spp.; Luscinia calliope were infected with both {TBEV} and Borrelia, while Tarsiger cyanurus were infected with WNV.
机译:摘要2006年至2011年,在西伯利亚西部的托木斯克州(Tomsk)发现了八种病原体,并以它们的feeding为食:T传脑炎病毒(TBEV),西尼罗河病毒(WNV),伯氏疏螺旋体,立克次体,巴尔通体,无形体,埃里希氏菌和巴贝斯虫。在地理上与俄罗斯远东地区,西伯利亚东部地区,中国和日本有关的许多病毒和细菌基因变异株的鉴定,证实了鸟类在病原体向西西伯利亚和向后传播方面的作用的可能性。在西伯利亚西部繁殖和迁徙的大多数物种都是东方起源的,大部分飞越越冬到东南亚。在我们样品中的这些物种中,毛叶吸虫是{TBEV}和Bartonella spp的携带者。 {TBEV}和Borrelia都感染了Luscinia calliope,而WNV感染了Tarsiger cyanurus。


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