首页> 外文期刊>Achievements in the Life Sciences >The Emergence and Existence of Life in the World of Elements and the Physical Vacuum

The Emergence and Existence of Life in the World of Elements and the Physical Vacuum




Abstract The physical vacuum affects not only the natural processes in deep space but also identifies the key features of the structure of ordinary matter. This sphere of work intersects the fields of chemistry and biology. The condition of the objective existence of elementary particles and the objectivity of quantum measurements require the presence of real physical analogues of clocks and lines that participate directly and literally in particle interactions. The analogue of the clock results from the existence of elementary particles in the form of the alternation of two states with different properties that can be modelled in terms of probabilistic behaviour, the uncertainty principle, and similar concepts. The analogue line appears due to the quasi-crystalline structure of the physical vacuum, thereby generating a real observed mass ratio and other features of the microworld. The emergence of life and sense is regulated by deterministic processes. Biological evolution is a process directed toward a slow and gradual adaptation to the physical vacuum as the real component of the environment. Because of such evolution, the geometric structure of living organisms transforms into a fractal increased in absolute terms by chemical simulation. Therefore, the analogue model defines the key structures of the vacuum. The geometric similarity of the structures allows cells to live in accordance with the laws of the quantum world without requiring the solving of equations.



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