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Drought Tolerance Evaluation of Bread Wheat Genotypes Using Water Use Efficiency, Evapotranspiration Efficiency, and Drought Susceptibility Index




Evaluating physiological traits involved in the response of plants to drought stress could lead us to improve drought tolerance in crops. In this regard, the current project was conducted under a line-source sprinkler irrigation system. Eight commercial bread wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) were evaluated at four water levels (WL) based on evapotraspiration (ET; WL1, supplying 100% of ET water to WL4, supplying 25% of ET water). Among the cultivars Chamran and Kavir had the highest grain yield at WL4 (4450.7 and 4317.3 kg haa?’1, respectively) and noticeable grain yield stability in different water levels. Water use efficiency (WUE) ranged between 5.092 and 7.296 kg haa?’1 mma?’1and significantly varied among cultivars in different WLs. Under WL4, Niknejad and Kavir had the highest and Shiraz had the lowest value for WUE. Regression analysis confirmed that the relationship between dry matter and ET follows a linear function. Furthermore, evapotranspiration efficiency (ETE) as calculated by dividing the total biomass by ET was a reliable physiological indicator for cultivar evaluation with regard to water deficit tolerance in different growing stages. Based on this indicator, it was discovered that Mahdavie has the highest ETE from planting to stem elongation, Niknejad from planting to flowering, Pishtaz from planting to dough development and ripening, and Kavir has tolerance against water deficit throughout the growing season.
机译:评估植物对干旱胁迫的反应所涉及的生理特性可以使我们提高农作物的耐旱性。在这方面,当前项目是在线源喷灌系统下进行的。根据蒸散作用(ET; WL1,向WL4供应100%的ET水,向WL4供应100%的ET4),对八个商业面包小麦品种(Triticum aestivum L.)进行了四个水位(WL)评估。在Chamran和Kavir品种中,WL4的籽粒产量最高(分别为4450.7和4317.3 kg ha·a-1),并且在不同水位下,籽粒的产量稳定。水分利用效率(WUE)在5.092至7.296千克haa?1 mma?1之间,并且在不同WL中的品种之间差异很大。在WL4下,WUE值最高,其中Niknejad和Kavir最高,而Shiraz最低。回归分析证实,干物质和ET之间的关系遵循线性函数。此外,通过将总生物量除以ET计算得出的蒸散效率(ETE)是评估品种在不同生长阶段的水分亏缺耐受性的可靠生理指标。根据该指标,发现从种植到茎伸长,马赫达维具有最高的ETE;从种植到开花,尼科贾德具有最高的ETE;从种植到面团发育和成熟,Pishtaz具有最高的ETE; Kavir在整个生长季节对水分亏缺具有耐受力。



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