首页> 外文期刊>Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Effect of Dates of Sowing and Topping on SeedProduction of Tossa and White Jute in Red andLaterite Zone of West Bengal

Effect of Dates of Sowing and Topping on SeedProduction of Tossa and White Jute in Red andLaterite Zone of West Bengal




Aim: To assess the effects of date of sowing and topping on seed production of tossa and white jute.Design: Split plot.Place and Duration of Study: Field experiment was conducted during Kharif season of 2014 and 2015 at Regional Research Sub-station, Raghunathpur, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Purulia, West Bengal, India.Methodology: Two separate experiments were carried out on tossa jute, Corchorus olitorius L.(cv. JRO-8432) and white jute, Corchorus capsularis L. (cv.JRC-698), each having 3 replications, with 3 main plots of dates of sowing (D_(1)-15~(th) June, D_(2)-15~(th) July and D_(3)-15~(th) August) and 4 sub plots for topping treatments [T_(1)-No topping, T_(2)-Topping at 30 Days After Sowing (DAS),T_(3)-Topping at 45 DAS and T_(4)-Topping at 60 DAS] under rainfed condition.Results: In both the jute varieties, the first date of sowing (15~(th) June) proved superiority over other sowing dates irrespective of topping, however, topping at 45 DAS revealed best results as compared to other topping treatments in both the years. First date of sowing (15~(th )June) along with topping at 45 DAS (30~(th) July) recorded the highest number of primary branches plant~(-1), number of pods plant~(-1)and the highest seed yield which contributed to significantly higher gross and net return in both the varieties in both the years of experimentation.Conclusion: Early sowing i.e. around 15~(th )June and topping at 45 DAS could be recommended for enhancement of total seed production in olitorius as well as capsularis jute in red and laterite zone of West Bengal.
机译:目的:评估播种和摘心日期对to蒲和黄麻种子生产的影响设计:分割地块研究的地点和持续时间:在2014年和2015年的Kharif季节在区域研究分站进行了田间试验,印度西孟加拉邦Purulia的Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya的Raghunathpur方法:在tossa黄麻,Corchorus olitorius L.(cv.JRO-8432)和白色黄麻,Corchorus荚膜L.(cv.JRC- 698),每个都有3个重复,其中3个主要播种日期为6月D_(1)-15〜(th),7月D_(2)-15〜(th)和D_(3)-15〜(th )8月)和4个子图用于打顶处理[T_(1)-不打顶,T_(2)-播种后30天(DAS)打顶,T_(3)-在45 DAS上打顶和T_(4)-打顶结果:在两个黄麻品种中,黄麻的初播日期(6月15日至6月)都证明了其优于其他播种日期的优势,而与打顶无关,但在45 DAS上的最高表现为c与这两年中的其他打顶处理相比。播种的第一个日期(6月15日至6月15日)达到最高,DAS最高的播种时间为7月30日至7月30日。结论:建议早播,即6月15日至6月15日播种,并达到45 DAS的最高产量,以提高总种子产量。西孟加拉邦的红色和红土带中的奥托里乌斯和黄荚膜黄麻。



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