首页> 外文期刊>Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management and Bio-regulators on Yield and Economics Attributes of Sprouting Broccoli {Brassica oleracea (L.) var. italica}

Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management and Bio-regulators on Yield and Economics Attributes of Sprouting Broccoli {Brassica oleracea (L.) var. italica}

机译:营养综合管理和生物调节剂对发芽西兰花{Brassica oleracea(L.)var。斜体}



The field experiment was conducted at Horticulture Farm, S.K.N. College of Agriculture, Jobner (Jaipur) during Rabi seasons of 2016-17 and 2017-18. The experiment consisted of thirty five treatment combinations including seven INM (100 per cent RDF through inorganic fertilizer, 75 per cent RDF through inorganic fertilizer + 25 per cent through FYM (5 t/ha), 50 per cent RDF through inorganic fertilizer + 50 per cent through FYM, 100 per cent RDF through FYM, 75 per cent RDF through inorganic fertilizer + 25 per cent through VC, 50 per cent RDF through inorganic fertilizer + 50 per cent through VC and 100 per cent RDF through vermicompost and five bio-regulator levels [Control, Brassinoids @ 5 ppm, Brassinoids @ 10 ppm, Salicylic acid @ 100 ppm and Salicylic acid @ 150 ppm] were under taken in Split plot design with three replications. The results showed that the maximum weight of primary curd (222.51 g),? number of secondary curds per plant (6.58), weight of secondary curd (154.05 g), yield per plant (384.56 g), yield per plot (7.69 kg), yield per ha (189.90 q), biological yield per ha (1081.85 q) and net returns ( 304019/ha) were recorded with the application of 50 per cent RDF through inorganic fertilizer and 3.5 t/ha vermicompost (F_(5)) in sprouting broccoli. Whereas, the maximum B:C ratio (4.39:1) was recorded under 75 per cent RDF supplied through inorganic fertilizer and 1.75 t/ha vermicompost. Harvesting index was found non significant. In the case of bio-regulators maximum weight of primary curd (213.17 g), number of secondary curds per plant (6.20), weight of secondary curd (147 g), yield per plant (362.57 g),? yield per plot (7.42 kg), yield per ha (183.19 q), biological yield per ha (1002.18 q), net returns ( 287563 / ha) and B:C ratio (3.99:1) were recorded significant by superior over control with foliar application of 5 ppm brassinoids. While harvesting index was found non significant to broccoli.
机译:实地实验在S.K.N.的Horticulture Farm进行。乔布纳农业大学(斋浦尔)在2016-17和2017-18赛季拉比期间。该实验由35种处理组合组成,其中包括7种INM(通过无机肥料的RDF为100%,通过无机肥料的RDF为75%+通过FYM的25%(5吨/公顷),通过无机肥料的RDF 50%+ 50%通过FYM获得的收益为100%,通过FYM获得的收益为100%,通过无机肥料获得的RDF为75%,通过VC获得的RDF为25%,通过无机肥料获得的RDF为50%,通过VC传播的50%,通过ver粉和五个生物调节器获得的RDF在分块设计中进行了水平测试(对照,5 ppm的油菜素,10 ppm的油菜素,100 ppm的水杨酸和150 ppm的水杨酸),进行了三份重复试验,结果表明,一次凝乳的最大重量(222.51 g )、?每株次生凝乳的数量(6.58),次生凝乳的重量(154.05 g),每株植物的产量(384.56 g),每块地的产量(7.69 kg),每公顷的产量(189.90 q),每公顷的生物产量(1081.85 q)和净回报(304019 / ha)是在发芽的西兰花中记录了50%的RDF通过无机肥料和3.5吨/公顷的com堆肥(F_(5))。而最大的B:C比(4.39:1)记录在通过无机肥料和1.75吨/公顷的com堆提供的RDF的75%下。发现收获指数不显着。在使用生物调节剂的情况下,最大一次凝乳重量(213.17 g),每株次要凝乳数量(6.20),次要凝乳重量(147 g),每株产量(362.57 g),?与对照相比,与对照相比,优于对照的记录显示,每亩产量(7.42 kg),每公顷产量(183.19 q),每公顷生物产量(1002.18 q),净收益(287563 / ha)和B:C比(3.99:1)显着记录。叶面喷洒5 ppm的油菜素。虽然发现收获指数对西兰花不重要。



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