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Prevalence of areca nut chewing in the middle school-going children of Indore, India




Objectives:To assess areca nut chewing habit among middle school-aged children in Indore, India. Areca nut is chewed by itself, and in various scented preparations. It is associated with carcinogenesis, foreign body aspiration in children, and oral submucous fibrosis and may aggravate asthma.Materials and Methods:A retrospective collection of data to evaluate the prevalence of areca nut chewing among 3896 children was done. A simple random sampling was done. Children of both sexes were included in this study.Results:27.06% of the school-going children (1054/3896) had areca nut chewing habit. More boys chewed areca nut than girls (2:1). 45.42% of school going children of rural area pander to areca nut chewing habit, whereas in urban area 20.09% children are indulged. Government school children are more involved in areca nut chewing habit. 81.02% of the children used sweetened and flavoured form of areca nut. The majority of the users were not aware of harmful effects that the use of areca nut might be harmful for healthConclusion:To diminish the use of areca nut, the Indian Government should consider limiting trade, advertising, and actively communicating its health risks to the public and should deem heavy taxes on it.
机译:目的:评估印度印多尔(Indore)中学生的槟榔咀嚼习惯。槟榔可单独咀嚼,并制成各种香味制剂。它与致癌作用,儿童异物吸入和口腔粘膜下纤维化有关,并可能加重哮喘。材料与方法:回顾性收集数据以评估3896名儿童槟榔咀嚼的患病率。完成了简单的随机抽样。结果:27.06%的在校儿童(1054/3896)有槟榔的咀嚼习惯。嚼槟榔的男孩多于女孩(2:1)。农村地区45.42%的上学儿童习惯于槟榔咀嚼的习惯,而在城市地区,有20.09%的儿童沉迷于咀嚼。公立学校的孩子更多地参与槟榔的咀嚼习惯。 81.02%的儿童使用甜味和调味形式的槟榔。大多数用户没有意识到槟榔的使用可能对健康有害的结论。结论:为了减少槟榔的使用,印度政府应考虑限制贸易,广告并积极向公众宣传其健康风险并且应该对它征收重税。



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