首页> 外文期刊>Computer Science and Information Technology >Business Intelligence Improved by Data Mining Algorithms and Big Data Systems: An Overview of Different Tools Applied in Industrial Research

Business Intelligence Improved by Data Mining Algorithms and Big Data Systems: An Overview of Different Tools Applied in Industrial Research




The proposed paper shows different tools adopted in an industry project oriented on business intelligence (BI) improvement. The research outputs concern mainly data mining algorithms able to predict sales, logistic algorithms useful for the management of the products dislocation in the whole marketing network constituted by different stores, and web mining algorithms suitable for social trend analyses. For the predictive data mining and web mining algorithms have been applied Weka, Rapid Miner and KNIME tools, besides for the logistic ones have been adopted mainly Dijkstra's and Floyd-Warshall's algorithms. The proposed algorithms are suitable for an upgrade of the information infrastructure of an industry oriented on strategic marketing. All the facilities are enabled to transfer data into a Cassandra big data system behaving as a collector of massive data useful for BI. The goals of the BI outputs are the real time planning of the warehouse assortment and the formulation of strategic marketing actions. Finally is presented an innovative model oriented on E-commerce sales neural network forecasting based on multi-attribute processing. This model can process data of the other data mining outputs supporting logistic actions. This model proves how it is possible to embed many data mining algorithms into a unique prototypal information system connected to a big data, and how it can work on real business intelligence. The goal of the proposed paper is to show how different data mining tools can be adopted into a unique industry information system.
机译:拟议论文显示了针对商业智能(BI)改进的行业项目中采用的不同工具。研究结果主要涉及能够预测销售量的数据挖掘算法,可用于管理由不同商店构成的整个营销网络中的产品错位的物流算法,以及适用于社会趋势分析的网络挖掘算法。 Weka,Rapid Miner和KNIME工具用于预测数据挖掘和Web挖掘算法,而后勤工具则主要采用Dijkstra和Floyd-Warshall算法。所提出的算法适合于针对战略营销的行业的信息基础设施的升级。所有设施都可以将数据传输到Cassandra大数据系统中,该系统表现为对BI有用的海量数据的收集器。 BI输出的目标是仓库分类的实时计划和战略营销活动的制定。最后提出了一种基于多属性处理的面向电子商务销售神经网络预测的创新模型。该模型可以处理支持逻辑操作的其他数据挖掘输出的数据。该模型证明了如何将许多数据挖掘算法嵌入到连接到大数据的独特原型信息系统中,以及它如何在真实的商业智能上工作。拟议论文的目的是说明如何将不同的数据挖掘工具应用于独特的行业信息系统。



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