首页> 外文期刊>Computer Science & Information Technology >The Determinants of Cloud Computing Adoption in Saudi Arabia

The Determinants of Cloud Computing Adoption in Saudi Arabia




There is a large volume of published studies investigating the factors that affect cloud adoption.However, there are very few studies which investigate cloud computing adoption intechnologically developing countries and one focus of the research was to examine whether thefactors which influence cloud computing adoption in technologically developed countries alsoapply in technologically developing countries. The research presented in this paper builds onthe diffusion of innovation theory (DOI) and the Technology-organisation-environment (TOE)framework in order to investigate the factors which influence cloud adoption. Fourteenhypothesis were developed from the literature on cloud adoption and were examined in theresearch. Data was collected by using a web-based questionnaire and was analysed using arange of statistical measures. This paper discusses the design and implementation of the study,the data analysis and conclusions from the analysis and compares the findings of this study withthe findings of similar studies in technologically developed countries. The study shows thatthere are some similarities as well as some differences in the factors that affect cloud adoptionbetween technologically developed countries and technologically developing countries.



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