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Protecting Water Quality and Public Health Using a Smart Grid




After the attacks on September 11, 2001 and the follow-up risk assessments by utilities across the United States, securing the water distribution system against malevolent attack became a strategic goal for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Following 3 years of development work on a Contamination Warning System (CWS) at the Greater Cincinnati Water Works, four major cities across the United States were selected to enhance the CWS development conducted by the USEPA. One of the major efforts undertaken was to develop a process to seamlessly process “Big Data” sets in real time from different sources (online water quality monitoring, consumer complaints, enhanced security, public health surveillance, and sampling and analysis) and graphically display actionable information for operators to evaluate and respond to appropriately. The most significant finding that arose from the development and implementation of the “dashboard” were the dual benefits observed by all four utilities: the ability to enhance their operations and improve the regulatory compliance of their water distribution systems. Challenge: While most of the utilities had systems in place for SCADA, Work Order Management, Laboratory Management, 311 Call Center Management, Hydraulic Models, Public Health Monitoring, and GIS, these systems were not integrated, resulting in duplicate data entry, which made it difficult to trace back to a “single source of truth.” Each one of these data sources can produce a wealth of raw data. For most utilities, very little of this data is being translated into actionable information as utilities cannot overwhelm their staffs with manually processing the mountains of data generated. Instead, utilities prefer to provide their staffs with actionable information that is easily understood and provides the basis for rapid decision-making. Smart grid systems were developed so utilities can essentially find the actionable needle in the haystack of data. Utilities can then focus on rapidly evaluating the new information, compare it known activities occurring in the system, and identify the correct level of response required. Solution: CH2M HILL was engaged to design, implement, integrate, and deploy a unified spatial dashboard/smart grid system. This system included the processes, technology, automation, and governance necessary to link together the disparate systems in real time and fuse these data streams to the GIS. The overall solution mapped the business process involved with the data collection, the information flow requirements, and the system and application requirements. With these fundamentals defined, system integration was implemented to ensure that the individual systems worked together, eliminating need for duplicate data entry and manual processing. The spatial dashboard was developed on top of the integration platform, allowing the underlying component data streams to be visualized in a spatial setting. Result: With the smart grid system in place, the utilities had a straightforward method to determine the true operating conditions of their systems in real time, quickly identify a potential non-compliance problem in the early stages, and improve system security. The smart grid system has freed staff to focus on improving water quality through the automation of many mundane daily tasks. The system also plays an integral role in monitoring and optimizing the utilities’ daily operations and has been relied on during recovery operations, such as those in response to recent Superstorm Sandy. CH2M HILL is starting to identify the processes needed to expand the application of the smart grid system to include real-time water demands using AMI/AMR and real-time energy loads from pumping facilities. Once the smart grid system has been expanded to include Quality-Quantity-Energy, CH2M HILL can apply optimization engines to provide utility operations staffs with a true optimization tool for their water systems.
机译:在2001年9月11日发生袭击事件以及全美公用事业进行的后续风险评估之后,确保供水系统免受恶意攻击已成为美国环境保护局的战略目标。在大辛辛那提水厂进行了3年的污染预警系统(CWS)的开发工作之后,美国各地的四个主要城市被选中来增强USEPA进行的CWS开发。进行的一项主要努力是开发一种流程,以实时地无缝处理来自不同来源的在线“大数据”集(在线水质监测,消费者投诉,增强的安全性,公共卫生监控以及采样和分析),并以图形方式显示可操作的信息,供运营商进行适当评估和响应。 “仪表盘”的开发和实施所产生的最重要发现是所有四个公用事业公司均具有的双重好处:增强其运营能力和改善其供水系统的法规遵从性的能力。挑战:尽管大多数公用事业都拥有适用于SCADA,工作单管理,实验室管理,311呼叫中心管理,水力模型,公共卫生监测和GIS的系统,但是这些系统没有集成,导致重复输入数据,这使得很难追溯到“真理的单一来源”。这些数据源中的每一个都可以产生大量的原始数据。对于大多数公用事业公司来说,很少有这些数据被转换为可操作的信息,因为公用事业公司无法手动处理生成的大量数据而使他们的员工不知所措。取而代之的是,公用事业公司希望向其员工提供易于理解的可行信息,并为快速决策提供基础。开发了智能电网系统,因此公用事业公司可以在大量数据中找到可行的方法。实用程序然后可以专注于快速评估新信息,将其与系统中发生的已知活动进行比较,并确定所需的正确响应级别。解决方案:西图集团负责设计,实施,集成和部署统一的空间仪表板/智能网格系统。该系统包括将各个系统实时链接在一起并将这些数据流融合到GIS所需的过程,技术,自动化和治理。整个解决方案映射了与数据收集,信息流需求以及系统和应用程序需求有关的业务流程。定义了这些基本原理后,便实现了系统集成,以确保各个系统协同工作,从而消除了重复输入数据和手动处理的需求。空间仪表板是在集成平台之上开发的,从而可以在空间设置中可视化基础组件数据流。结果:安装了智能电网系统后,公用事业公司可以采用一种直接的方法来实时确定其系统的真实运行状况,并在早期阶段迅速发现潜在的不合规问题,并提高系统安全性。智能电网系统使员工可以通过许多日常琐事的自动化来集中精力改善水质。该系统在监视和优化公用事业的日常运行中也起着不可或缺的作用,并且在恢复操作(例如对最近的Superstorm Sandy的响应)中一直依赖该系统。 CH2M HILL开始确定扩展智能电网系统的应用所需的过程,以包括使用AMI / AMR的实时水需求和来自抽水设施的实时能量负荷。一旦智能电网系统扩展到包括质量-数量-能源,CH2M HILL就可以应用优化引擎为公用事业运营人员的水系统提供真正的优化工具。



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